Page 108 of Take Her from You

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Stretching myself like that put me on display and gave easy access to my chest for my man’s avid attention. Valentine tossed back the blanket and knelt over me.

“How about this, we chat while I play with ye.”

“Deal. Just take it easy on that leg. Don’t hurt yourself,” I warned.

“I haven’t and I won’t. Now let me get started on my favourite activity.”

Without pause, he spread both hands over my boobs, letting my nipples harden against his palms. Then he ducked to blow on them to stiffen them further. Pinching them between his fingers and thumbs, he toyed with me, watching my expression, and with his dick hard but neglected.

“Thought you wanted to talk?” I tried to hide how turned on he was making me. My body responded to him like he’d taken ownership of my central nervous system. I’d come twice already, and another felt greedy.

“I do. What about?”

I laughed, arching into him, my shoulders deep in the pillows. “It was your idea. Tell me something about your last job.”

“Ahead of accepting Ben’s contract, I worked for a logging company. Spread your legs.”

I did, and he knelt between them, his fingers trailing over my belly to glide between my thighs.

“I meant the army,” I said on a breath.

But he’d gone quiet, his gaze travelling down me. “You’re so fucking beautiful. Do ye hear? I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want ye.”

My heart ached, and I closed my eyes, burying my face.

“No, watch me.”

Valentine waited for my focus to return to him. He planted a hand next to my head, some deep intention in his expression that made me shiver to witness it. He kissed me, then pushed my breasts together and buried his face in my soft skin, sucking love bites where he chose.

Then he drew back, his voice coming out gruff. “Feet further apart, knees up.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Did ye like my fingers inside ye?”

Slowly, I nodded. He’d mentioned fisting me, and though it sounded intimidating, what he’d tried had felt so good.

“I’ll tell ye about the army and let’s see if we can get ye fucking my whole hand by the time I’m through.”

I whimpered, earning a devilish grin.

Reaching under the bed, Valentine claimed the box with my toy, pulling out the tube of lubricant. He slicked up his fingers and drizzled the cool liquid at the juncture of my thighs. I shivered, hopelessly aroused by him.

“My school had a link to the regiment, so there was always a presence in the halls and in various ceremonies. I knew the uniform as well as my school colours.”

He spread the liquid out, circling my clit then gliding a finger right inside me. I bucked, and a restraining hand landed on my hip.

“Because I was living so far from my family, I boarded at the school, and that meant evenings and weekends were free for all kinds of activities. I signed up for cadets and loved every minute of hiking and camping.”

A second finger joined the first. Valentine used his knuckles at my entrance, the sensation driving me crazy, then scissored his digits to create space.

“Atta girl. Relax. Loosen up for me.” He released my hip then continued with the story. “At sixteen, I was as tall as the recruiting officer who came to talk to us about options. At eighteen, when I graduated, I signed my soul over to Black Watch, third battalion.”

“God,” I groaned under his constant motion. “I need to see a picture of you in uniform.”

“Gonna get my phone greased up, but okay.” He snagged his jeans from the floor with his impressively long reach then paged through screens until he found what he was looking for.

He passed it to me and continued with his work, a third finger added. Heat coiled inside me. I gazed at the ridiculously gorgeous shot of a younger Valentine, maybe mid-twenties and with his hair short, in military uniform. Hot as anything I’d ever seen.
