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She maintained unblinking eye contact with Callum, daring him to countermand her order. Callum dipped his head, chastened. "Of course, my darling. I’m sorry. I think my role as a leader sometimes bleeds over.” He waved the waiter off to carry out her order as she had requested.

As Fiona finally relaxed into a small smile at the concession, Callum gently pressed onward. "How was your week? I hopeyou've been taking care. Sabria mentioned you had some difficulty with the private yoga instructor I arranged the other day. Is there anything else you require for your comfort and health, my priority?"

She sighed. “Yes, everything is good. Everything is perfect, just as you’ve planned.”

A slightly uncomfortable silence stretched until their food arrived, and then she pushed greens around her plate with a contemplative frown. Finally, she set down her fork with resolve. "Callum … I believe what I truly require right now is a little time and space to myself … to think, process this enormous life transition, and make my own nesting choices on my terms."

Seeing him tense in dismay, she grasped his hand. "It's not forever! Just … please let me go back to my apartment for a few days. Get centered mentally away from any pack pressures. I promise to request whatever I need for the baby."

Sighing heavily, Callum searched her determined expression and gripped her hand, brow furrowing deeply. "Fiona, talk to me. What is this about?” His eyes shone with concern.

Fiona shook her head, patting his wrist soothingly. "You've done nothing wrong, my love. I promise. I think it's just everything crashing down all at once, being pregnant in a strange new world."

She offered a conciliatory smile. "I'm probably overthinking and letting hormones run away with me. I just desperately need a little break in my own familiar space to recenter. I'll be all right after some self-care days."

Callum searched her face intently before nodding acceptance. "If you are certain. Just swear to me you’ll call if you want or require anything at all. Or return earlier …" He tucked a loose hair gently behind her ear. "I will be right here waiting."

When Fiona refused all offers for an escort home, insisting on a solo departure, Callum anxiously summoned her a luxurytown car instead, hovering fretfully as the driver loaded her overnight bag. He clasped her hands on the sidewalk, searching her face with unconcealed concern. "Are you sure you will be all right? It’s getting late. Perhaps we should …"

Fiona silenced him with a light finger to his lips before replacing it with a tender kiss. "I'm a tough city girl, remember? We'll be just fine for a few days." She patted her abdomen fondly.

As Fiona turned to climb gingerly into the car, Callum caught her wrist, questions still visibly plaguing him. "Promise you aren't leaving for good?" His vulnerable tone clutched her heart.

"Never for good," she assured him sincerely. "Just a brief emotional respite. See you very soon."

Settling into the car's plush seat, Fiona glimpsed Callum, still standing vigil on the sidewalk, his tall figure shrinking rapidly as they pulled smoothly away. She sighed, knotting her fingers over her rounded womb, doubts creeping in.

Is fleeing back to familiar territory the wise choice right now? The pack lands, and Callum's doting sanctuary had begun feeling like home lately. And she couldn't deny her body and inner maternal omega instinct craved the alpha's fiercely protective nearness.

The driver stopped outside her old apartment building's parking garage. As the town car pulled away, she took wary stock of the shadowy urban surroundings.

The sidewalks and alleyways behind the complex sat still and silent. Most residents long retired this late into the evening. Yet, as Fiona keyed hurriedly into the garage entry, she glimpsed movement under a broken streetlight across the road.

An ominous feeling pricked her spine. Fumbling the heavy door shut behind her, she sealed out the sight but not the creeping sensation of unseen eyes tracking her progress. The concrete cavernous parking garage was dim, flickering bulbs only amplifying the lurking unease.

Hugging her swollen midsection protectively, Fiona hastily made for the nearby elevator. Just as she jabbed the call button, the entire garage abruptly went pitch black around her in a violent buzzing of dark quiet.

She strained her eyes helplessly in the pitch dark, heart thudding wildly in her throat as she sought signs of the figure subtly creeping closer through the shadows. Noiselessly as a specter, he circled, his face concealed under a heavy hood.

Abruptly, right at her shoulder, came a gritty, guttural "Boo!"

Fiona released a shriek of pure terror, whirling only to find empty space behind her once more. Another coarse chuckle echoed among the pillars at her violent flinching reaction. Sweat beaded Fiona's brow, the baby churning anxiously at her surging stress.

"Oh, what a sweet, precious little morsel …" the taunting voice purred from no identifiable direction. "So jumpy … so vulnerable …" His cruel delight raised goosebumps across Fiona's skin.

A reverberating laugh bounced leeringly off the concrete confinement of the garage, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere. Fiona whirled in futile panic toward each new outbreak of sneering mirth.

"Ah, I see now …" A nasty grin colored the man's creepily amused tone. "So this is the infamous mate! Well, now …" He made a show of craning to peek under Fiona's concealing coat at her rounded belly.

Shamelessly ogling her changing curves, loud snorting laughter exploded once more, as though at some private joke only he understood the punchline too. "The great Alpha Callum's strapping pureblood successor here in this quivering human womb! Oh my …"

Utterly unnerved by his knowledge of her vulnerable state, Fiona barely swallowed back a whimper. How she wishedCallum's strength might appear to shield her from this vile, taunting predator …

Fiona strained desperately once more against the blackness shrouding them, seeking any identifying feature of the hulking tormentor. But only that eerie glowing gaze flashed tauntingly in and out of view, brimming with mocking malice.

"W-who …" She cursed internally as her voice trembled. Swallowing hard, she tried again, channeling poise she didn't feel. "Who the hell are you, then? What is it you think you know of me?"

Another gravelly laugh. "All in good time, little mama. All in good …" Suddenly, he was circling, echoing steps mere inches from her back, setting every fine hair on end. "Time. For now, let's have some fun together."
