Page 92 of Heartless Monster

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“I didn’t drug you.” He scoffs as he jerks his arm back out with my keys in his hand. There’s this deranged look in his eyes I’ve never seen before.

I have to get out of here. Somehow, I need to get away from Gage.

Turning to face my window, I stretch my arms behind me and attempt to crawl in the passenger seat, but the door comes open and Gage grabs my legs.

I kick and squirm, trying to break his hold on me, but I’m not strong enough.

Gage jerks my legs toward him and I fly out of the car, my back crashing hard against the ground.

“It didn’t have to be like this, Elodie. You should have just gone back to where you came from. You’re not wanted here.”

I lie there staring up at him as his face lingers over mine, remembering a note I found in my locker. Go back to wherever you came from. You’re not wanted here.

Naturally, I assumed Rome left the note, but now I’m positive it was Gage.

I try to hit him, slap him for all of the shit that’s been happening because it was him. I went on a date with the guy who had me drugged.

Oh my gosh, if Rome hadn't shown up, I could quite literally have been a victim then. Like I am about to be now.

I try to wiggle free, using all of my strength to pull myself out from under him. Maybe I could run. I know those woods. If I could just run fast enough then get to a road.

“Bitch,” he yells as I attempt to knee him in the balls.

His hand comes down in a hard slap, knocking my face to the side while I lie there in stunned silence. Before I can even move, Gage reaches into his pocket and pulls something out. Tears burn my eyes as I try to fight, but it’s no use. A sharp pain slices through my upper arm, and then everything fades to black.



“Damn,” Aiden drawls from the bench in the locker room. It’s halftime and we’re getting our fucking asses kicked, so everyone’s in a pissy mood. When Aiden passes me his phone, I realize he’s not going off about the game. “Is that Elodie?” he asks while I watch the video play on his SnapTok account.

Squeezing the phone in the palm of my hand, my wide eyes move around and I notice the whole team whispering and laughing.

How the hell did this happen? I’m the only one who had this fucking video. I deleted it from Abby’s phone.

"Fuck, man.” Luke comes up beside me “That’s at Newton’s party. She looks as shit-faced as I was.”

I grab Luke’s phone, now holding his and Aiden’s. "Who else is watching it?” I step out in the open, eyes darting from one person to the next. “Who else?” I scream as I slam both phones down on the bench, baring my teeth. “If I see any one of you watching or talking about that damn video, I’ll beat all your asses.”

I storm out of the locker room, heading back to the Bulldog field. On my way, I try to call Elodie. It doesn’t even ring before going to voicemail, so I try texting her.

Me: Please call me ASAP. It wasn’t me. I swear I wouldn’t do that to you. I never planned to share that video. It was Abby. She did this.

Going straight to where the cheerleaders are huddled, I keep my eyes on one in particular.

Pushing my way through the crowd, I stare straight ahead as I grab Abby by the arm and walk her with me as I go around the visitors’ bleachers.

“Geez, Rome.” she cackles. “If you wanted to get me alone, all you had to do was ask.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I snarl, spit flying from my mouth as I squeeze her arm so damn tight, I’m surprised she isn’t screaming in pain.

I sense some resistance, but Abby knows better than to defy me.

Once we’re out of eyesight, I jerk her close, seething. “Did you share the video?”

Abby swallows hard, an expression of worry on her face. “She deserved it, Rome. Look at how she was acting. She’s not the good girl she pretends to be.”

My fingers dig into her skin as my heart begins to break. There is no way Elodie is going to believe I had nothing to do with this. “Who gave you the fucking right!?”

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