Page 93 of Heartless Monster

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She scoffs. “I don’t need permission, Rome. I’m a big girl.” I let go of her and she crosses her arms tightly over her uniform top.

“You drugged her, didn’t you?” I point my finger to her chest, pushing hard as she winces. “You got petty and jealous and you drugged her.”

Her eyes pop wide open. “What?”

“It was you, wasn’t it?” I keep my eyes focused on hers and she gives me exactly what I expected.

She tries to laugh it off, but if I’ve learned one thing about Abby, it’s that she laughs when she’s nervous. “Why would I drug your stepsister?”

“You tell me.” I cage her in between the bleachers, fear shining in her eyes.

She goes to walk around me, but I snare her arm. This time I squeeze so tight my knuckles turn white. “Admit it was you or I’m going straight to the cops. How will your father feel once he learns what you’ve done?”

Tears well in the corners of Abby’s eyes. The girl is a fucking bitch, but she’s usually a fairly decent human being. What she did is really bad, even for her.

Blinking away the tears, she looks down at the space between us. “I did it for us.”

“Us?” I huff. “There is no us.” When will she get it?

“Not now.” She lifts her head. “Not since she moved to town. Come on, Rome. I’ve seen the way you look at her. She might be your new stepsister, but you caught feelings for her, didn’t you?”

“That’s none of your damn business.” She pulls her arm free as a tear falls.

“It is, though. Because I love you. I love you so much, Rome.” She runs her hand down my arm. “I want us to be together.”

I really pity this girl. I’ve told her a thousand times I am not interested. Even when we hooked up last summer, I was very clear that this was not a relationship and that I had no feelings for her.

“And you thought drugging Elodie,” I raise my phone in my hand and shout, “and recording a stupid fucking video would bring us together?” She flinches.

“I didn’t do it so I could record the video. That was just a bonus.” She tries to rub my arm again, but I slap her hand away. “I did it to get her away from you. But their plan failed when you stepped in and rescued her. Just like you always do.”

“Who?” I snap. Things are starting to make more sense. This behavior isn’t like Abby, so my guess is someone manipulated her. But who would want to drug Elodie to get her away from me?

Abby covers her mouth, shaking her head like she’s been caught.

“You said their plan failed. Whose plan?” I shake her body back and forth, yelling, “Whose fucking plan?”

She licks a tear off her lips and frowns before saying, “Gage and his cousin, Winton.”

I let go of her, gripping the sides of my head as I try to figure out what the fuck is going on. Gage and Winton are fucking cousins?

That’s why he was so invested in Elodie. He never wanted her. He's working with Winton fucking Brooks to hurt her the same way I planned to.

I ball my fists, the veins in my arms ready to jump out of my skin. Then I’m right back in her face. “You helped the asshole who got me arrested?”

She sobs harder as she tries to grab my hand, but I jerk away. “I just want us to be together, Rome.”

I scream in her face. “We’re never going to be together, Abby.”

The waterworks just keep coming as she continues trying to reach for me, failing every time.

I shake my head, ignoring her outburst. “Tell me everything. Every sordid fucking detail. I want to hear it all, or so help me God, Abby. I will go straight to the cops and tell them everything.”

When she stands there, allowing time to pass while picking at her nail polish, I snap, “Fuck this. I’ll just call them now.” As I swipe the screen on my phone, she grabs my wrist.

“Wait. I’ll tell you everything.”

I stick my phone back in my pocket, leaving my hand in there. “Let’s hear it. Now!”
