Page 99 of Heartless Monster

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Celia’s smile grows broader. “Actually, there won’t be a new trial. As the district attorney, I decided not to pursue the charges in the interest of justice. Therefore, the case has been overturned.”

My fingers curl around Elodie’s leg, my grip tight with anticipation while she looks like she’s ready to jump to her feet. “What’s that mean?”

“That means the charges have been dropped,” Celia says. Elodie and I both spring up and I throw my arms around her, lifting her in the air. “Effective immediately, you’re no longer on probation. I’ll just need you to come down to the courthouse to sign some documents, then it’s over.”

“Holy shit,” I mumble to Elodie. “I can’t believe you did this for me.”

I set her down, gazing into her eyes, not caring that our parents are watching. “All I did was tell the truth. You saved me, Rome. You never should have been punished in the first place.” She leans closer, her breath a whisper in my ear. “Does that mean you no longer own me and I’m off the hook?”

“You put up a good fight, Freckles. But now that I’ve caught you…” I pull her closer as I whisper in her ear, “I don’t think I’m ever letting go.”

Dad clears his throat and Elodie and I take a step back from one another. “There are still a few things we need to discuss, kids.”

Elodie bites her lip nervously because we both know what this is about. When our parents met us at the police station a couple days ago, after Elodie was kidnapped by Gage and Winton, they saw us together—the way I held and comforted Elodie, and the way she responded to me. They didn’t ask questions then, but we knew they were coming.

“So,” Dad says with a serious tone as he waves his hands between me and Elodie. “What is this? Did you two just get caught up in the moment for a little while, or is it something more?”

Elodie and I talked a little bit about what’s happening between us and the consensus was, we’ve both fallen for each other. She said she doesn’t want to be with anyone else, and obviously, I feel the same. Every inch of my soul is consumed by this girl. My heart feels complete and without her, I have no doubt I’d go back to being the heartless monster I used to be. She makes me want to be a better person, and I make her put down the books for a while. We fit, and that’s all that matters.

I put an arm around her waist and pull her side to mine. “It’s the real deal,” I tell them point-blankly.

Elodie wraps an arm around me and rests her head against my chest, grinning from ear to ear. “I know it’s not conventional, but I love him, Mom.”

Surprised by her words, I look down at her with wide eyes. She’s never told me she loves me before. But I’ve been dying to tell her. With no thought behind it, but meaning every word, I say, “I love you, too, Freckles.” My forehead touches hers as I breathe her in, feeling the words deep in my soul.

My legs are literally shaking and I can feel Elodie tremble, too. Bracing myself, I look at my dad because he’s one stubborn son of a bitch. There’s a good chance he’s going to tell us we need to end this relationship now. In which case, I’ll tell him to fuck off, he’ll kick me out, and I’ll get my own place. I’m getting a little ahead of myself, but I’d do it if it comes to that.

“In that case,” Dad says. “We need to set some ground rules.”

Celia nods in response. “I agree. If you two are going to be dating, there has to be rules in place.”

My shoulders relax and I exhale a sigh of relief, fighting hard to erase the smile on my face so they know I’m taking this seriously, but I can’t help it. I haven’t stopped smiling for days and I don’t plan to anytime soon.

Dad continues, “No sneaking into each other’s bedrooms at night.”

“Absolutely not.” Celia shakes her head. “And no late nights in the basement together.”

“Be mindful of Sayer and Lake,” Dad says. “They’re young teens. You both need to be good role models for them.”

Elodie and I nod along, giving a few okays and you got its as they keep going with the list of rules.

“If something happens and you two end this relationship, we’re still a family, first and foremost.” Celia puts an arm around my dad, and for the first time, I can see it—the sheer happiness on my dad’s face. The zest for life that was missing for so long has finally returned.

Dad peers up at Celia, a sparkle in his eye. “And family is everything.”

“I agree,” Elodie says. “Now, if we can just get this all in writing later, I have some news to share as well.”

I crane my neck, narrowing my eyes. “You do?” Elodie never told me about any news. It seems she’s been holding out on me. “What is it?”

Reaching into the back pocket of her jeans, she pulls out a folded envelope. “I got this a while ago.” She passes the note to her mom. “Along with a few other acceptance letters. But this is the one. This is where I want to go.”

Celia cocks a brow, smiling as she unfolds the envelope and pulls out the paper inside. “Stanford?” she gushes as she hurries to her daughter. “You got into Stanford?” She throws her arms around her. “I’m so happy for you, honey. I had no doubt you’d get in.”

I step back, allowing them to have their moment. After the video of Elodie went viral, she wanted to issue a cease and desist to every person who shared it. However, since the majority were students at Willow Creek High, I told her I’d handle it and I sent them all a personal message telling them if they didn’t take the fucking video down, I’d make their lives hell. Needless to say, the video stopped surfacing and people stopped talking. Instead, we’ve given them something else to talk about—us.

For the most part, people have been accepting, but there are a few naysayers I’ve had to put in their place. It really doesn’t bother either of us, though. So what if our parents are married and we live together? If anything, it’s just easy access and convenient. We also don't have to deal with the awkwardness of meeting each other’s parents—aside from Elodie’s dad, which has me nervous as fuck.

In the end, we’re happy, and if that’s not enough for everyone, then I suggest they fuck off.
