Page 100 of Heartless Monster

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The stadium lights glare down, illuminating the turf and giving us those good ol’ Friday night football vibes. There’s a sea of teal and black in the stands while everyone waits anxiously to cheer on the Willow Creek Misfits.

Standing beside the bleachers, I wait impatiently for my guy to run out with his team so he can play in his first game this season. To say I’m excited for him is an understatement. Rome has done all the work, and then some. His grades are up, he’s doing well at practice, and he’s mending friendships that were on the verge of breaking.

Apparently Luke gave him some shit, but in the end, he told Rome it was all because he was trying to get him to admit his feelings for me. We can’t fault him for that. I’m still not his biggest fan, but I tolerate him for Rome.

Rome and Brady have actually become good friends, too, since Brady assisted him in rescuing me. Last night I told Rome he needs to stop blackmailing Brady with whatever he’s holding over his head, and Rome agreed that he’s officially off the hook, too.

I still don’t know what he has on him, and I don’t need to. That’s Brady’s business and no one else should be involved, including Rome. He did say it was some juicy shit that would wreak havoc if it got out. Sure, I’m curious, but when, and if, the time is right and Brady wants to tell me, I’ll be all ears.

The guys come out of the gym doors roaring as they hustle to the field. “Go, Misfits!” I rave with my hands in the air.

Rome passes by, flashing a wink as he keeps running with his team.

They tear through the banner the cheerleaders are holding and the crowd goes wild. One cheerleader in particular is missing, and I can’t say I’m sad about it. Abby was kicked off the team and is currently out on bail pending her sentencing. I’m sure she’ll just get a slap on the wrist, but as long as she stays far away from me, I’m okay with that.

Winton and Gage are also out, but according to my mom, they’re looking at jail time—which they both deserve.

When it all comes down to it, no court sentence will ever be enough in my eyes. The emotional scars I’ve gained over the last year because of Winton will likely last me a lifetime. I jump at random sounds, sleep with my closet light on, and I still get nervous walking through the book aisles at the library. The only thing that has kept me sane through all of this is Rome.

The players huddle together and the scoreboard flickers to life. Wilder is back to his former position now that Rome has returned as quarterback. Rome was worried his brother would be disappointed and it would cause a rift between them, but Wilder assured him he was excited to take on his position as running back. He said there’s nothing quite like scoring that winning touchdown that was passed to you by your own brother.

I’m just anxious to watch them both play together for the first time. From what I’ve heard, they’re the dream duo on the field.

Julia walks toward me, her hand in the air. “Hey, girl.” She’s bundled in what appears to be multiple layers with a stocking cap on her head.

It’s the coldest night so far this season, so I’m also decked out in a down winter coat and a pair of mittens. No need to sport that Misfits apparel when it’s going to be hidden anyway. Although, I did finally get myself my own hoodie to wear in the future and Rome may or may not have gotten me a jersey with his number on it.

“Where’s Brady?” I ask her, my eyes dancing around the accumulating crowd.

“I don’t know. He said he had to do some work with his dad’s campaign manager after school and he’d meet me by the concession stand, but he wasn’t there.” She shrugs and I glance back toward the stand.

“Should we go find a spot to sit in the student section, or wait for him?”

Julia glances at her phone in her hand, then says, “He’s not coming. Said they’ll likely be working on this non-profit thing late into the night.”

“That’s a bummer,” I say as we climb the bleacher stairs to the student section. Each step has the roar of the crowd growing louder. It’s crowded as hell as we make our way through the tightly pressed bodies. We find a clearing beside Jenna and slide in, and Julia wastes no time partaking in the antics of jumping up and down and shouting along with everyone else.

“Good evening, Misfits fans.” The announcer's voice booms through the speakers. “Who’s ready for some Friday night football?”

The crowd goes wild, and I step out of my comfort zone and join in. “Go, Misfits!” I shout at the top of my lungs.

“It's my honor to announce that Misfits’ quarterback, Rome Cromwell, is back on the field. He’s coming in hot and ready to carry the team to the big W.”

Everyone goes wild, including me, as the bleachers vibrate beneath my feet.

“If I can draw everyone’s attention to our American flag, sophomore Macie Gray will be singing our national anthem.”

I place my hand over my heart, watching the flag sway in the wind under the lights as the chorus begins. Once she’s finished, the chatter and cheering resume, and the game begins.

The clock ticks away and the first quarter comes to an end, and while the Misfits brought their A game, neither team scored.

Then, just before the timer runs out during the second quarter, the Jets break through the defense and score a touchdown.

Defeated voices rumble through Misfits fans, a feeling of helplessness as halftime rolls around. But the game isn’t over yet.
