Page 118 of Ours

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As soon as he said I was safe, I truly believed it and not just for me, but that Noemi was safe too. I let out all my worry, my anger and hurt as I cried, but most of all, the fear I had for Noemi and myself.

“Did they catch them?” I whispered, trying to keep my crying to a minimum so as not to wake Noemi.

“No. I don't know much, but I have a friend down at the station and he’s keeping an ear out for me,” he said, holding me tighter, making me wince.

“Have they taken Noemi’s statement? And why the hell is she here, sleeping on a damn chair instead of healing at home?” I growled. “How bad was she hurt?”

“Nobody had come for her statement, she’s here because she demanded to be, and do you really want to know her injuries?” He pulled away looking at me.

“They didn’t—” I couldn’t even finish my sentence because I didn’t know if I could handle hearing she was sexually assaulted.

“No, they didn’t,” he said in a relieved voice. “She said someone had run them off, called the police, and they sent an ambulance.”

“Good,” I said, feeling exhausted already. “How is she doing?”

“She has two broken ribs, a broken wrist, two broken fingers, a gnarly black eye and some bruising all over her body,” he said, as we looked over to her.

Guilt sat heavy on my chest.

“I can’t believe she defended me, instead of calling for help,” I said, clearing my throat. “She could have gotten hurt, or they could have taken her. She’s so?—”

“Brave?” Vincent said before I could say, stupid.

I rolled my eyes. “She is too stubborn.”

Vincent chuckled. “That she is, but she also might have saved your life. Apparently, a knife was found at the scene and who knows what they had planned for that knife.”

I looked down at my beautiful stubborn woman, seeing more bruising and hating that he was right.

“She did save my life,” I repeated. “They need to catch those men and we need to make them pay.”

“Do you remember anything that happened?” he asked.

“Not much, just that they hit me from behind, making my vision blurry and I felt intense pain. They yelled homophobic shit at me, saying things like I needed to be cleansed,” I said, shivering, remembering my mother saying something similar to me when they found me with a man.

“Did you get a good look at them?”

“Not really, but I know Noemi did,” I said, yawning and flinching when it hurt. “Why haven’t the police gotten her side of the story?”

“I don’t know but let me get the nurse to check on you. You probably need more pain meds,” he said, kissing my forehead. “I’m so glad you’re safe, I don’t know what I would have done if anything had happened to either of you.”

“I would have never forgiven myself if anything happened to her, but we have a lot of groveling to do, Vincent,” I said, emotion making it hard to speak. “She ended the contract and came to see me at Genevieve’s to hand me the paperwork and a letter. She also saw me with my sister and her daughter. She thought they were my family, and I don’t know if she believed me or not when I explained.”

“We have a lot of making up to do, and I said a little bit of that before she went to sleep. I think she almost told me to go fuck myself, but I didn’t let her,” he said, looking exhausted. “Noemi is ours and if you're in, I want this to be permanent, no contract, just our love. I have never felt like this before and when they told me you both had been hurt, I knew there was nothing that I wouldn’t do to keep you safe. I love you, Easton Mercer. You are a part of me just as much as she is, and I don’t want to live in a world where I don’t get to wake up with either of you by my side.”

Vincent stood there vulnerable, looking nothing like a Dom, but much like a submissive and I loved it.

“I want that, and I think I’ve loved you both for a while now but I was too scared to admit it,” I said, feeling more tears fall down my face. “I never wanted our contract to end, but I wanted more. You, me, and her, that’s what I want. No rules, unless it’s in the bedroom and if she wants it.”

“Let’s get you checked out and we can talk to Noemi,” he said, hugging me. “She’s going to need to hear from both of us that we love her because we fucked up royally. I’m also going to make a few calls and see if I can get some things delivered for us.”

He kissed my forehead again. “I love you.”

He left the room, leaving me in silence and a whole lot of butterflies in my stomach. Never did I think I would love someone and have them love me back, but now I might have two.

I looked down at Noemi, seeing her a little better from the light of the open door. Whoever did this to us was going to pay and I didn’t care what we had to do to make that happen.

Once the doctor came into the room, they woke Noemi even though I asked them to let her sleep, but too many people came in then. They sent me up for an MRI to check and make sure I didn’t have any swelling or see if they missed anything in their initial diagnosis.
