Page 125 of Ours

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“Your sister and her daughter are sweet,” Noemi said, as they left.

“Our parents kicked her out when they found out she was pregnant. The man they wanted her to marry found out and told her to get rid of the baby because it was a sin. He didn’t want to look bad, so he pressured her for an abortion, and she refused,” Easton explained. “I hadn’t had any contact with her after they disowned me and she showed up one day on my doorstep, pregnant, with nowhere to go. My parents told her the same thing, to get rid of the baby. I’ve taken care of them since then and that’s why you saw them with me the other day.”

“Your niece looks exactly like you,” she said, looking embarrassed.

“She is definitely my mini-me and I’ve had people tell me my daughter looks like me,” he said, smiling. “They mean everything to me and that is why I don’t tell many people about them.”

“I get that,” Noemi said, getting up. “It just looked bad when I saw you guys.”

“I know and I’m sorry. I probably should have talked about them before. I knew it the moment I saw your face,” he said, opening his arm. “But you're it for me, Noemi. You and Vincent. Son los amores de mi vida.”

You are the loves of my life.

Noemi hugged him and for the second time that day, we hugged it out. I wasn’t used to this much affection but it felt like I was making up for lost time.

The doctor came in to do his last assessment of Easton before he discharged him. As they finished up, I met my driver downstairs. He was able to grab a bag of clothes for me, Noemi and Easton along with some toiletries. We all needed a shower, some food and a good night’s rest.

On my way back up to the room, I called my friend at the police station to see if they had heard anything, but nothing had surfaced as of yet. I was more than ready to be home with them, to start our life and leave this mess behind us. I had years to make up for being alone and I wasn’t going to waste any more time.



Between Noemi and I, we had four broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, a broken wrist, two broken fingers, two black eyes and a mess of bruises. It was two weeks after the attack and Noemi’s bruises were finally starting to disappear. Each time I saw them, I was ready to commit murder and resign myself to living the rest of my life in prison.

I especially hated when I would remember the threat my father issued to her. If I found out they were the ones behind the attack, I would ruin them with no mercy. I didn’t know how I felt about what we had suspected they did and I desperately wanted to know why they would do such a thing but with my parents most of their actions never made sense. Like not loving their children and treating us like we owed them something. They had fucked with my life enough and I was close to accepting Vincent’s offer to ruin them financially, especially to keep my father from running for office.

He offered to go into pharmaceuticals for me saying it was a good business to be in and when the sale went through, I could do whatever I wanted to with the company. Sell it, keep it, or run it, he didn’t care as long as my parents knew it was him who bought the company. Vincent was out for blood and since no one had been caught for our attack he was willing to get restitution any way he could.

It was a rough two weeks of healing, especially the mental healing. No one talks about the mental side effects you get from being attacked, and when the third night terror woke us all up, I decided to get help. My therapist was a wonderful woman who I knew would help me with more than just the attack. I had a lot of baggage to get over and I needed to fix myself. I needed to be my best for Noemi and Vincent.

I had a few more days before I went back to work, so I lounged on the bed waiting for Noemi and Vincent to get home. I rolled the pieces of jewelry I had in my hand over my knuckles contemplating how I wanted to go about this. My stomach fluttered with butterflies when I heard them get home.

Vincent and I had talked about securing my inheritance and Noemi was the way to do it, but I didn’t feel comfortable only marrying Noemi. I wish we could all be able to get married, but I had a plan.

“Honey, I’m home!” Noemi yelled out.

I smirked, getting up slowly since my shoulder was still in a sling. It was sore and my range of motion was better, but I would still need another few weeks before I was free from it.

Noemi had the fridge opened, most likely trying to figure out what to make for lunch. I went up to Vincent who sat down at the island, typing away on his phone, kissing him on the cheek before he pulled me in for a deeper kiss that I felt everywhere. When I managed to come up for air my breathing was labored, and I was hard.

“That was cruel,” I growled.

Vincent had refused to touch us until we were better. I was getting ready to steal Noemi, lock ourselves in a room and eat her until I felt satisfied with the amount of times she had orgasmed. I was getting ornery from the lack of sex, especially since Vincent made it his life mission to get me horny any chance he got.

“I just want to make sure it's still in working order.” He playfully nipped at my chin.

I rolled my eyes walking away to say hello to Noemi.

“Hello, Bambi,” I said, grabbing her with my good arm. “How did it go at the doctor’s?”

“It looks like I’ll have to have surgery,” she pouted. “He said they should have done surgery immediately.”

She had been having really bad pain in her wrist since we left the hospital, but the orthopedic surgeon chopped it up to normal pain from a break, until she got a second opinion.

“Dammit,” I said, holding her tight against me, inhaling her scent.

“Did they say when?” I asked, getting nervous.
