Page 72 of Canvas

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“I asked you a question, Summer. What the fuck is going on here?” Steve barks at me.

“Nothing, and frankly it’s none of your business. Rock is a friend of mine.”

Steve’s eyes bulge and a little vein that feeds up his forehead swells.

Boy, is he pissed.

“I’m just gonna grab a coffee, princess,” Rock says casually. Steve clenches his jaw so hard, I’m surprised his teeth don’t break.

Rock helps himself and grabs a paper cup and slowly pours himself a cup of coffee. He fingers the lids until he finds the size he needs. Steve’s shoved his arms across his chest and scowls furiously at Rock as he takes his sweet time.

“Tell the girl what you want, Steve my boy,” Rock states amiably.

I fight a grin. He’s such an arrogant dick.

“Not until you get the fuck out of there.” Steve shoots his attention to me. “A girl like you is not friends with a guy like that. What the hell is he doing back there anyway?”

His comment rubs me the wrong way but I can’t stop my grin. I try not to smile as I answer, but it’s impossible not to, “He’s getting some coffee.”

“I CAN SEE THAT, Summer!”

Rock reaches for his wallet. I put a hand on his arm to stop him. “No, that’s for last night.”

“LAST NIGHT? Last night? What happened last night?!” Steve is sputtering.

I roll my eyes. “For goodness sakes, Steve, what can I get you?”

He huffs. Literally huffs and shakes his head. “Not until he’s gone.”

Rock laughs. “I’ve got to get back to the shop anyway, although I’d love to hang around for you, Stevie boy,” he leans in close and brings his mouth to my ear. “We have unfinished business. I’ll see you later. At the shop.” He straightens, then again to Steve, “I’ll see you next time,” and he winks at him.

“Wha…wha…wha!!” Steve’s really sputtering now.

When Rock leaves the shop, every single eye is on him.

“I asked you a question, Summer. I demand an answer.” Steve’s self-righteousness is as stifling as his three-piece suit.

Everything else I was feeling, desire, excitement, curiosity, all disappear with his ingratiating tone.

“No, I don’t. And I told you the last time you insulted me and my customers, I would tell you to leave and not come back,” I hiss at him, attempting to remain in control, despite my rising anger.

“You are not to be fraternizing with the likes of him, Summer. I forbid it.”

Excuse me?!

“Number one,” I begin tightly, “you have no right to say anything about what I do and with whom. Number two, this is my place of business, and I will not have anyone speaking about any of my customers that way.” I take a deep breath and count to five to calm myself down. “One more word and I’ll have to ask you to leave.” I stare into his eyes.

He’s glaring at me, his nose in the air indignantly. It raises my hackles and makes my blood boil, just like my father used to, and my fiancée’s father. It infuriates me.

He takes a deep breath, straightens, and tugs his suit jacket sleeves down, just like he did the other day.

“I will overlook this transgression of yours, but this is the last time. If I should have even the slightest inkling of any misconduct between you and,” he lifts his chin indignantly, “him, there will be repercussions,” he says dryly.

I’m shocked. Exasperated into speechlessness.

Is he serious?!

He’s delusional. There’s got to be something wrong with him.
