Page 87 of Awakening His Mate

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She knows firsthand how evil the white-haired man is. I don’t want to think about the torment he inflicted on his sisters, but Hester has the chance to fix this now, and she refuses to help. That’s where my sympathy ends.

Ayden wanders over, a jagged cut running down the side of his neck, as if a wolf took a claw to his throat. It’s oozing, a trail of almost dried blood painted down the side of his neck.

My stomach twists as I rise instantly, coming to his side and turning his head so I can inspect his wound. “That looks deep,” I say, unable to keep the worry out of my voice.

He presses his hand against the wound, peering at the blood smeared on his fingers. “I’ll get it looked at. Don’t worry about me. I’m made of strong stuff.”

“We should leave,” Callum says. “They may send more hunters.”

I go back to Jackson’s side, helping him stand up. He looks a little more alert, but his movements are sluggish. They must have hit him with a hell of a lot of magic, and I wish I could kill them again.

“You’re growling,” he says.

I realize I really am, so I stop. “Sorry. I’m pissed they hurt you. I thought… I thought you were done.”

He smiles, and I see the exhaustion in his face. “I’ll never leave you.”

I may only be part wolf, but my body reacts to the possessiveness in those words. I belong to him in every way imaginable, and I hope he knows this.

Before I can open my mouth, a wave of power slams through the air, knocking Callum onto his ass. The males around us instantly go on alert, and I feel the surge of energy as they ready to attack.

Callum lifts his torso off the ground and raises a hand, stopping any counterattack.

Hester’s hand is still outstretched, ready to fight, and the look in her eyes is darker than I have ever seen.

“Take your men and leave.”

Callum gets to his feet, dusting off his jeans, though bits of grass still stick to the material. “I understand the mistrust, but surely now you can see we are not your enemy.”

Hester tilts her head to the side. “I find it convenient that you just happen to be here to save the day,” Hester spits. “I don’t believe in coincidence. I think you orchestrated this entire thing to make them trust you.”

Ayden whistles under his breath. “And you claim we’re the crazy ones.”

Callum’s smile is thin, and I can tell Hester is testing his patience. “My motives are not entirely altruistic. We need you just as much as you need us. Bringing you into our group will boost our numbers. It can make a difference in this fight. I won't deny that is a big motivation to recruit you all, but we would have fought the Order even if you had chosen not to come with us.”

He steps closer to Hester, and I’m surprised she’s able to hold her ground. I would have instinctively stepped back, because Callum’s power swirls through him as he moves toward her. He doesn’t unleash it or try to use it, but I can see it for what it is. It’s a show of strength.

He stops in front of her, and it feels as if everyone holds their breath. “Maybe it’s us who should not trust you. You tell us you’re related to the man behind this shit. You have power that feels different from ours. And you refuse to fight. Tell me, Hester, why should I put my faith in you? You’ve already proven you can’t keep any of us safe. Those Order drones walked right through your wards as if they never existed.”

“I don’t owe you an explanation,” Hester snaps.

“No, you don’t, but if you change your mind, come and find us. You’ll always have a place with us.” To the rest of us, he says, “We’re leaving. Get ready. Load the wounded first.”

I get Jackson to his feet, sliding my shoulder under his armpit. I can feel how unsteady he is on his feet, even after the healing. We need somewhere safe for him to rest so he can recover from his injuries.

As I start walking, I realize he’s not putting any weight on me. “Lean on me.”

He shakes his head. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.”

“I’m a big guy, Dove.”

I take a lesson from Halle and roll my eyes at him. “Are all vargr wolves this stubborn?”

He snorts and finally concedes. We’ve nearly reached the main house before I stop walking, making him halt as well. I twist to look back at the cabins and the lake. Black Mountain rises on the horizon, a formidable sight. This once felt like safety and home, but now all I can see is the carnage left behind.

The Sanctuary was once a safe haven, but now it is nothing more than a grave, and I have no intention of burying any more people I love. We’re going to fight the Order, and we’re going to win. No more tau are going to be taken, no more lives will be destroyed.
