Page 30 of On Ice

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But I’m not *his* teacher.

Does he even know I’m a teacher?

Erik Varg:

He obviously knows everything.

Maybe he thought you lived at The Stand.

Quinn Cooper:

You’re right. Graham is definitely omniscient.

Erik Varg:

Except for the time he made fun of reading.

Quinn Cooper:

Even a running clock is wrong twice a day.

Erik Varg:

I don’t think that’s the saying.

Quinn Cooper:

It is now.

Erik Varg:

Fair enough. I’ll update my lexicon with your malapropism.

Quinn Cooper:

It’s not a malapropism, you’ve just never heard it before. Not my fault.

Erik Varg:

Quinn. Babe. Sweetheart. Darling. Honey. The correct phrase is…

Even a BROKEN clock is RIGHT twice a day.

Quinn Cooper:

The pet names were incredibly condescending.

Erik Varg:

That was the point. Bow to my superior knowledge of clock phrases.

Quinn Cooper:

You wish.

Erik Varg:

Kneel before your Lord and Master! His intelligence shall reign forever for his brain is so smart.
