Page 117 of Icing It

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I'm surprised to feel my jaw tighten. My shoulders, too. I like Luna. And I realize what I’m feeling is more than just the potential loss of the hot sex or even protective of Alexsei losing the woman he’s falling for.

I don’t want to lose her. I want her in our lives. She’s the perfect fit for us.

And I’m feeling protective of her. She needs us. She needs more than Owen can give her. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be a part of this. I think he should. But we should be…a we.

I’m worried Owen is going to make her make a choice that she shouldn't have to make.

"Well, there’s something that you should probably know then, too," I tell him, setting my coffee down and crossing my arms.

He straightens. “Okay.”

"Luna is the girl that Alexsei and I have been looking for."

He frowns. "What does that mean?"

"Alexsei and I are in love with one another. We will be together long term. But Alexsei needs a woman to be fully fulfilled, relationship-wise, sexually. And because I love him, I need him to be fully fulfilled. We've been looking for a woman to fill that role in our relationship for a long time. We've actually been with a few women in the time we’ve been together. But we've never found the right one.

“Until Luna. Not only can she fully accept Alexsei and I the way we are together and understand and support our relationship, but I can have a relationship with her, too.

“In the past, the woman has always been…extra for me. She's had a relationship with Alexsei, but not me. So it's always felt empty. For her and for me both, though I didn't really realize it. With Luna it’s not like that. She and I actually have a dynamic together. One that we both need and like.” I shrug, feeling a warmth spread in my chest as I think about the blond pixie that’s turned everything upside down.

Or maybe she’s turned it right-side up.

“She's our unicorn,” I tell Owen. “The one that fits with us and actually needs our threesome, too. So that means we're not letting her go."

Owen just stares at me for several ticks. Then he blows out a breath and shakes his head. "I don't totally get that. But I'm trying to."

I nod. "I know. Some straight guys have a hard time with sexual fluidity."

He chuckles. "Is that what this is?"

"And some jealousy, and possessiveness."

"So we have to make her choose?"

"The exact opposite of that, actually,” I tell him.

“You said she needs your threesome.”

“The choice is yours, Owen. She’s already made hers.”

He looks very unhappy, but thoughtful. I think he's actually letting these words roll around in his mind.

I hear footsteps coming to the hall and I know they're not Alexsei's. I've lived with the guy long enough to know what it sounds like when he’s walking around.

"She's coming," I say softly. "Do not ruin this morning after for her."

I realize with him sitting out here having coffee with me, Luna doesn't even need to know that Owen got out of bed and slept on the couch.

He gives me a short nod and I realize that we’re on the same page about protecting her.

At least that’s a start.

"Good morning," Luna says brightly as she steps into the room.

She gives us both big smiles, but her cheeks are a little pink as if she's feeling a bit shy this morning.

So I do the only thing I can.
