Page 172 of Icing It

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I’m thinking I might keep this simple. AKA, blindfold and rope.

Alexsei is in charge of getting Luna to the cabin tonight. Without her knowing where they’re going.

I chuckle as Cam shakes his head and responds.

You can’t just kidnap her. You have to come up with a believable excuse to go for a drive. We gave you three good stories last night. And you cannot cave when she gets suspicious. Not even for a blow job.

“He’s our weakest link,” I say.

Cam rolls his eyes. “For sure. Especially with Luna. Why did we think this was a good idea?”

“Because he was the one with time to help her with the event.”

“Right.” Cam and I both had morning meetings and Luna had a huge fiftieth anniversary party to set up.

Alexsei texts.

A little kidnapping could be fun and sexy.

Both Cam and I pause. He’s not wrong.

“If he gags her and puts her in the backseat, she can’t try to seduce the secret out of him,” I tell Cam.

“Good point.” Cam frowns, but he’s also almost wearing a smile. I know he’s thinking about how naughty Luna can be. And how much he likes that.

My phone dings again.

Found one of her romance novels. I think she might be into a little captive role playing.

Well, now…that’s interesting.

I respond.

No rope burns.

Cam snorts and types.

Take handcuffs in case she fights you.

Now I snort.

No way is she gonna fight Alexsei coming at her with a blindfold.

Alexsei texts.


Cam is grinning widely now as he types.

Unless you tell her to fight.

I feel my body respond to that. He’s right. Luna is always up for role-playing and if Alexsei holds up a blindfold and says, “Fight me, gorgeous,” she absolutely will and they’ll have a great time.

“But we won’t be there to watch. That’s not fair,” I tell Cam.

“Damn. True.” He pauses. “Guess we’ll have to come up with a way for them to make it up to us when they get here.”

I nod slowly, at least a dozen scenarios going through my mind. “Darn.”
