Page 84 of Icing It

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"Tell me what you need."

"Just you," she said breathlessly. "Harder. More."

I pick up the pace, hammering into her, and the next thing I know her pussy is clamping around me and she’s shouting, “Yes! Owen! Thank you, Sir!”

Jesus Christ. I let go, my orgasm hitting hard, her name roaring from my chest.

I feel like I come for a full minute before I finally slump forward, bracing my hands on the mattress on either side of her and just breathing in and out.

I stare at her. "Holy shit."

She nods. "Yeah."

We just look at each other as we catch our breaths for several long moments, then I lean over and kiss her on the forehead before rolling to my side, bringing her with me.

I stare at her ceiling, taking a huge deep breath in and out.

Well, it's official.

I am dating one of my player’s sisters. And potentially one of my other player’s crushes.

But there's no getting over this girl. And I'm not even gonna try.



Owen Phillips is the Orgasm King.

I wake up with his big arm slung across my stomach and I just lie thinking about that for a moment. Okay, several moments.

My pussy is tingling even now. Not in a bad way. In a thanks-for-bringing-the-new-guy-home way. He not only gave me three orgasms when we first got back here, but he woke me up about two hours ago and gave me two more. He couldn't quite wait long enough to fuck me to give me two before thrusting inside, thank God. He's a magician with his mouth, but damn I love his cock, too.

I almost laugh out loud. I have been very spoiled lately. Between him and Alexsei and Cam…

Well, I haven't had Cam’s cock yet. And for a moment I think about that. Am I ever going to get Cam’s cock? Because he seems to like giving it to Alexsei.

And that is something I would really like to have a further conversation with him about.

I think it's cute he thought that I wouldn't notice. Not just how much he likes giving it to Alexsei, but the fact that I think Cam’s in love with that sweet little cinnamon roll.

Okay, he’s a big cinnamon roll.

Who Cam’s madly in love with.

The guy thinks he is so mysterious. Please.

My stomach rumbles and I realize what woke me up. I'm a little tempted to wake Owen up, because I don't think he'd mind, and I think he would make it worth being tired tomorrow.

But I want to be fed. And I kind of want to impress him with more of my baked goods.

I have a guy in my bed for the first time in a while who really appreciates me.

Sure, he appreciates what we did for the last few hours, but he really likes my business. Not just the products I make, but the fact that I have my own business. And it doesn’t matter to him that my dad bought it and got me started.

In fact, he helped me see that in a whole different light last night.
