Page 85 of Icing It

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I don’t remember the last guy I hung out with who actually wanted to talk about my business, not to mention being impressed with me because of it.

He's big, hot, and heavy. He reminds me of sleeping up against Alexsei, except Owen’s a little softer. Not in a bad way. He's just not hard ripped muscles the way Alexsei is.

I really like them both. For just a second, I think about what it would feel like to be sandwiched between them.

Then I shake my head.

That is not a conversation that any of us are going to be having, so I need to put that little fantasy out of my mind.

I slip out from underneath Owen's arm, stretch my foot until I feel the floor, and then slide off the edge of my mattress.

This is different from sneaking around in Cam and Alexsei’s apartment. I know every creaky floorboard, every piece of furniture, and exactly where I left my big fluffy robe that I can wear down to the bakery to grab us treats.

I walk into the kitchen, flip on the lights, and head for the back-up fridge for some extra cream puffs that I made yesterday.

I pull the door open and…suck in a breath.


No, no, no.


The tears start immediately.

Which makes me cry even harder. Because I fucking hate when I cry.

Fuck my life.


I was upstairs having amazing, blow-my-mind sex, and my refrigerator—thank God it’s just the back-up—was down here dying.

If Owen and I had come in here for dessert before getting all frisky upstairs, I would've known about this hours ago. I could've saved at least some of these items.

But now, as I stare at the shelves in front of me, I realize I can't save any of this.

I don't know how long it's been off, but judging by the temperature of the foods, maybe most of yesterday.

I haven't had to open it. It's my backup fridge, and once I store things inside of it, like the icing, cream filling, and the dough that I was going to use for the desserts for the high tea I'm hosting tomorrow, I don’t need to open it again until it’s time to prepare the items.

What am I going to do?

It's not just a matter of replacing all of these things. I need to replace the refrigerator. Because I need a place to put all this stuff. Once I remake it.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

I startle, and spin to find Owen standing in the kitchen doorway. He's pulled his dress pants back on, but he’s down here with no shirt and no shoes.


He notices the tears on my face, and he immediately moves toward me. He stops right in front of me and cups my face in both hands. "What’s wrong?"

I gesture to the refrigerator. "I came down to get us something to snack on. It's broken."

He looks at the refrigerator back to me. "Okay. What do you need?"

I laugh. "A new refrigerator. And all of that stuff replaced. Like eight hours ago."
