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He tickles her, all the while doing a deep monster voice. Soon, she’s laughing so hysterically and squirming so much that I have to put her down.

“Better now?” I ask as Alissa quiets down.

She nods, then turns her attention to Andrew.

“Hello, Alissa. I’m Andrew,” he says and offers her his hand to shake like he would to a grown-up.

“Hi,” she replies, taking his hand, red as a tomato and all smiles. “You’re a hockey player!”

“I am?” Andrew steps back, feigning surprise. Alissa’s jaw drops. “Just kidding. Let’s go head in and I’ll show you my trophies.”

He takes her by the hand again, and the two walk ahead of me and towards the front door.

I just stand there with my feet frozen as I witness a sight I thought I’d never see. My daughter holding hands with…

I swallow hard as my throat starts to choke up. My eyes sting with unshed tears, and a wave of emotion washes over me.

When they reach the door, Andrew turns back with a puzzled expression on his face.

“Emily, is everything okay?”

I quickly compose myself and nod, finding my feet again and walking over to join them.

His spacious house has light wood and tile flooring. In the foyer, his jerseys, which date back to high school, hang proudly. Gleaming medals and trophies are displayed alongside a meticulously arranged showcase filled with championship rings.

Andrew lifts Alissa and takes her in his arms. It’s incredible how they are getting along so well.

Andrew walks us toward the living room and seeing them chatting non-stop, just as if they had known each other forever, pierces through my heart like a spear made of fire.

He lets her jump on the couch. I just stand there, crying like a mother bird seeing her chicks fly away from the nest.

“What’s wrong, Emily?” He leaves Alissa jumping and comes to console me with his arms.

“I can’t tell you.” I try to control my sobbing.

“Um,” he hesitates but then comes to hold me even though he doesn’t know the reason why. “Okay.”

Alissa’s jumps begin to phase out, eventually coming to a complete stop. With my face buried against Andrew’s chest, I inhale the scent of his musky cologne and feel the contours of his broad chest underneath his shirt, unaware of Alissa approaching.

“Mommy, are you okay?” she asks, full of worry, her big blue eyes creasing in concern. “Why are you crying?”

I pull back, looking down at her and then at Andrew. They are stare at me with the exact same eyes.

Will he notice?

My heart quickens and Alissa reaches her hand out to me. I take it, and it calms me down and with a smile I let her know that I am okay.

“Mommy was just feeling emotional, sweet pea. But now mommy is fine!” I smile.

“You girls wanna play video games?” Andrew looks from me to Alissa, who looks at him with starry eyes.

“Can I?” she asks, dreamlike.

Andrew laughs, and I sit on the couch by Ali’s side. “Her grandpa has video games but doesn’t let her touch any.”

“Oh, no. Bad grandpa Dave!” he jokes, fussing with the remotes of his devices. “How are your parents, Emily?”

He turns on the TV, the biggest wide screen I’ve ever seen, and sets it up to enter the video game console channel.

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