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“How attached are you to the trophy room?” I ask, uncertain.

“If you need it, we can use it for something else. Why?” he looks over his shoulder to ask.

“I just had a crazy idea…” I reply, a hand on my chin, stroking my stubble.

Chapter Twenty-Four


It’s the end of my shift, and my brother holds my resignation letter with a sourpuss face I can only compare to someone sucking on lemons.

“Are you sure you wanna quit?” he sulks, looking disappointed. “While you are away with Andrew, we can just have it be vacation! I mean, you barely ever took any so I’m fine with that,”

I smile and shake my head, firm. “This is my two weeks’ notice, Dan. Choose quickly who you want to be the new manager and I’ll train them. I vote for Helena.”

“She can’t do the night shift on weekdays because of her kids,” Dan complains. “But I’ll talk to her.”

“What if you let her open the store, then you come in the afternoons?” I suggest. “Seriously, Dan, you don’t need to be here all day!”

He places a hand on his chin and thinks. What I don’t mention is that I worked here for two years, almost twelve hours a day, six days a week, and never said anything because I was just grateful to even have a job, and the money was good.

What I have saved can keep Ali and I going for another two years, just in case things don’t work out, so I’m more confident now.

But I have a good feeling things will work out with Andrew.

“But you’re so good at what you do!” he hugs me tight.

“Daniel, my hair!” I protest, and he lets me go.

I fix my hair looking at the mirror by the shoe display, while Dan looks for the keys under the counter.

“Are you seeing him today?” he asks, twirling the keys around his finger.

“Yeah, he said he has a surprise for Ali.” I tuck my hands inside the pockets of my hoodie and begin walking to the front of the store. “He’s coming to pick me up. Will you wait with me?”

Dan reluctantly agrees. He’s still not happy about Andrew and me, but he’s making an effort.

We bid goodbye to Matthew and the girls.

“What time will the dipshit be here?” Dan adjusts himself inside his jacket.

“You curse too much for a church goer, you know that?” I retort, laughing.

“Eh, I go to church for Carla…” he shrugs and looks down.

A car horn honks, followed by the sound of the powerful engine of Andrew’s SUV. “Good evening, gorgeous!” Andrew says, pulling up next to us and rolling down the window, all charming.

“Mommy!” Alissa reaches with her arms from her car seat in the back.

I kiss Ali while Andrew climbs out. He and Daniel square off, hands at the level of their hips, and a stare so intent you could fry bacon with it.

“Andrew,” Dan says.

“Dan,” Andrew replies.

Andrew offers his hand to Dan, and Dan looks at it with disdain. But then, he looks at me and at Alissa, and finally accepts it for a handshake.

“I’ll take good care of them, man,” Andrew says, sincere. “It’s a promise.”
