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“Who? Ali?” I’m confused for a second. “Oh, I know that. She told me. But what I really wanna hear from her I don’t know if she’ll never say.”

Emily, sipping her beer, reaches for my hand and squeezes it tight. “The school therapist, Miss Olson, said she’s making progress. She knows you’re her dad, she just hasn’t fully accepted it yet. Let’s give her time.”

She gently touches my ear, and I nod in agreement.

“I think I have to earn it first,” I murmur, then sip my beer. “I’m the one who disappeared, after all. It’s only fair that she doesn’t recognize me as her father yet.”

Emily shakes her head and looks at me from her lounge chair with eyes of regret.

“I should have looked for you instead of blocking you. Do you think you would have accepted us back then?” she asks, very sentimental.

I let out an audible sigh, looking at the waters of the pool, painted orange and white by the lights around it. Then, I look at Emily, and the perfect oval shape of her face reflecting so much emotion over our past.

“It would have scared the shit out of me,” I admit, then finish my beer. pause, catching my breath. It’s my turn to be sentimental and reach for her hand and give her a peck on the lips. She tastes like beer and pigs in a blanket. Yummy.

“What I felt for you was special then, and it is special now.” I tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear and look deep into her eyes. “Ali would have been a gift one way or the other.”

We kiss again, this time deeper, although awkward because of her position in the chair.

“Wanna go into the pool?” she asks me, interested and eager.

“Really? Just you and me?”

“No, let’s invite John and Rosetta,” Emily giggles with sarcasm. “Of course, just you and me, silly.”

I stand, then help her up. Emily starts to take off her shorts, showing her tiny bikini bottoms, and I poke my head inside the kitchen doors, looking for my dad.

“Hey, dad, psst!” I call for him quietly. “Wasn’t Rosetta supposed to be done already?”

“What, boy?” he turns to me from the sink, “She’s tidying the living room!”

“Um, Rosetta’s work is done here, okay? Actually, I’ll give you a hundred bucks to just go help her with the living room then dismiss her, alright?” I lean against the glass door and almost lose my balance.

“Oh…” Dad understands what’s going on. “I won’t let anyone in the yard, son.”

“Alright,” I chuckle. “Keep an eye on Ali too.”

“That one is easy, she’s sleeping like a rock!” Dad comes to me and says, “Your woman is waiting, Andrew,” right before he closes the doors.

He tilts his head forward and points me to my beautiful lady, dipping a toe in the water and just about to jump in.

I run to her and observe her entering the water like a mythological mermaid brought into existence just to fulfill my wildest wishes.

I reach into my pocket and take out a condom, leaving it on the side of the pool for later.

Letting out a “Woo-hoo!” I jump right after Emily, making a large splash with my cannonball instead of her gracious swan dive. Staying underwater, I catch her by the ankles and pull her under.

We play and splash around and are soon holding each other and enjoying being this close under the lights of dusk.

“Can I take off your bikini?” I beg, and she laughs.

“Only if I can take off your trunks first!” she says, establishing the rules.

I open my arms wide and grin, “I’m all yours.”

Emily giggles with delight before going underwater, where she strokes me a bit over my shorts just before lowering them down to my ankles.

She comes back to the surface wearing the trunks on her head and laughing. I’m quick to take them off and throw them aside, letting them float in the water.
