Page 43 of Loving Liam

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“You really didn’t mind?” I still wasn’t sure it was something I could do. Not yet anyway.

Was I seriously considering doing it again?

“It was perfect. I could tell you were hesitant at first.” He wrinkled his nose and smiled. “The first few kind of tickled.”

I huffed out a laugh. “I was so worried I’d hurt you that you’d resent me.”

“Why the fuck would I do that? Look, how about we watch TV and have some hot chocolate with marshmallows? Do you have any?”

He walked away from me and opened a few cupboards. If he was looking for hot chocolate and everything that went with it, he’d be sorely disappointed.

“Do you ever cook, John?”

“Not usually? I’m more of a microwave meal person. Failing that, I get a takeaway.”

He shook his head, clearly judging my meal choices.

“You”—he poked my chest—“need someone to look after you. I thought it was me who needed someone. Eating properly is important.”

“Hey, you told me you lived on coffee and cigarettes. How can you be judging me?”

I grabbed him by the waist again and brought him close. Two dates, that was all we’d had. Admittedly, I’d taken him for coffee and taken him home that one night, but this was different. He looked better than that first time. The dark circles were still there but less prominent. He smiled a little more.

Was I doing that for him? Could I send him back to the life he’d been living?

I should be there for him. Help rid him of the demons sitting on his shoulder, tempting him over to the dark, drug-filled side.

The news Sam had told me earlier popped into my head.

“Oh, one more thing.”



Tonight hadn’t gone quite as I’d expected. Cooking together had been the kind of thing couples did. We danced around each other in the kitchen and produced a meal not quite worthy of a Michelin star, but it was edible.

I had an idea about John’s addiction from before, and here we were in the same boat, except my vice was drugs; his was drinking.

He’d touched a nerve, though, and I’d snapped at him, still working on quieting the voices in my head. The resulting spanking hadn’t been unexpected and certainly not unwelcome. I’d sensed his hesitation, known he was unsure, but it was what I deserved and definitely what I wanted.

It was a shame he’d stopped. I understood his reluctance. Spanking wasn’t for the faint of heart, and an upstanding man like John would surely struggle with punishing another human being.

He hadn’t hurt me, though. Well, yes, he had, but the pain turned me on. I didn’t know how to explain it to anyone without them thinking I was weird.

I welcomed it. Stuart had been a sadist and had got off on my suffering, occasionally going so far I’d had to use my safe word.

That wasn’t something John and I had discussed when we really should have. Next time.

Hopefully, he’d be able to get over the hang-up he had over it. I hadn’t lied when I told him a few more slaps and I’d have been shooting my load all over his clean trousers. It had been close, and I was still hard.

We’d forgone the hot chocolate, seeing how he didn’t have any, and I’d resorted to hot sweetened milk. He was still drinking water.

Now cuddled on the sofa, the TV playing softly in the background, he told me the news I longed to hear.

Stuart would likely never get out of prison.

“Really? You’re not joking because that would be unforgivable. He’s really not getting out?”
