Page 44 of Loving Liam

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“No. I guess someone finally came to their senses and realised what a liability he is.”

I breathed a heavy sigh of relief and cried a little. John held me the whole time until finally the tears stopped.

“How are you feeling?” he asked as he rubbed my arms. I lay with my head on his chest, soothed by the steady thud of his heart. A strong heart, one that hadn’t suffered as mine had.

“I feel happier than I did earlier in the week. I thought my life was going from bad to worse, but lying here with you, knowing that bastard won’t be getting out for a long time, makes me feel a whole lot better.”

“I told you before you’re young with your whole life ahead of you.”

“But what fun would it have been if I were constantly looking over my shoulder, waiting for him to make his move?”

“It’s not something we have to worry about now.”

He was right, of course. Plans needed to be made. Perhaps I could do something more with my life? Maybe I’d find the man of my dreams, the perfect Daddy.

John said nothing else, the sound from the TV the only noise in the room.

I dozed, even though my arse stung a little. Nothing I couldn’t handle. I’d suffered worse. Teaching John about aftercare was important. Despite this evening’s setback, I hoped he’d want to try again. It wasn’t a deal-breaker, but since meeting him, I realised just how much I’d missed having a Daddy.

I enjoyed being tucked up in bed, listening to a bedtime story. They made me feel safe, gave me a sense of security. I’d missed that but had hardly been in a fit state since Stuart and the drugs.

I checked my watch. It was barely after ten. I was tired, though. The evening’s events had worn me out.

I yawned and stretched, releasing tension from my muscles. I could do with a good massage. Didn’t Duke do that? I was pretty sure he did. Perhaps I should get in touch with him and book a full-body massage.

Either that or a good wank, which was always a good stress reliever.

“Do you want to go? We both have work tomorrow, and you’ve been snoring quietly.”

I laughed. “I don’t snore, John.”

“You keep telling yourself that.”

I swatted him on the arm and stood, wobbling on tired legs.

“Let’s get you home and tucked up into bed.” He said.

Had he read my mind?

It was bitterly cold, and the roads were treacherously icy. I had my heart in my mouth several times, but John was a safe driver and didn’t take any chances.

Drew was home, playing on his Xbox, with Perry in his usual place on the sofa.

“You’re home early. How was dinner?” he asked but didn’t wait for an answer, shouting into his headset.

I gestured to the stairs, and John followed me up. I closed the door behind us.

“Who the fuck was he talking to?”

“He plays a lot of online games. These are guys he plays with all the time. He’ll be at it for hours now Cindy has dumped him…again.”

“Make yourself comfortable. I’m just going to the bathroom. Get ready for bed.”

I snatched a pair of shorts and a T-shirt from my drawer and left John on his own. I peed, washed my hands and face, and brushed my teeth. The taste of garlic from our meal earlier lingered.

John perched on the edge of the chair I usually reserved as my overflow wardrobe.

“Come sit on the bed.” I flicked off the main light, plunging the room into darkness. When I turned on the bedside lamp, John was lounging on the bed, his long legs stretched out.
