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I let go, and she goes to meet Caleb, putting her arms around his shoulders and leaning to kiss his hair.

“Did somebody miss me?” She asks.

“You know I did,” Caleb confesses.

Caleb tilts his head back, and they go on an intense, passionate show of affection in front of Gabriel and me, hands reaching across chests, lips locking, and tongues touching—the works.

Watching them does something to me…I admit, and I risk glancing at Gabriel, but he has his head buried in the files that Caleb gave him.

Groaning inwardly, I take my seat again.

“Get a room you two,” I grumble.

“I just can’t help it,” Mira sighs happily. “I’m so in love, and he’s so hot.” She pats Caleb’s cheeks. “That’s why I take him everywhere.”

“Are you going to kiss him right out of a job?” Gabriel comments offhandedly.

Mira mimics him, and he catches her in the act.

“Don’t be mean,” she says. “You should be nice to me and let me take Caleb whenever I want because I already gave you my best friend. You two spend so much time together that I rarely get to see her anymore.”

I’m about to remind Mira that she’s the one who is glued to her fiancé when she gives me the, be quiet, look in her eyes.

After haggling with Gabriel, she drags Caleb out of the office, leaving my boss and me alone. Gabriel gets so engrossed with work that he doesn’t pay me any attention for the next two hours.

I, on the other hand, cannot stop looking at him. I lift my head from the papers, and my eyes keep spying to see if Gabriel has taken a break, but each time I do, he’s still buried there, a studious frown on his face.

After two hours of unending want and need, I scrape my chair back, making noise as I do so to get his attention.

It works, and Gabriel chuckles when he sees the pouty frown on my face.

“What’s wrong?”

“You,” I grumble.

“Me?” He asks.

I stand up and march over to him, perching on the edge of his desk. My fingers wrap around his tie, and I pull him close, lowering my head.

“Yes, you,” I whisper against his lips. “I’ve been waiting for you to look at me for the longest time. And you’re so engrossed in your work.”

“Oh. I’m sorry,” he says

“Nope,” I shake my finger. “That’s not going to work. You need to do better.”

He kisses my forehead. “I’m sorry.”

“That isn’t going to make up for it either. You can do better, Mr. Everhart.”

His lips touch my eyes, and it feels nice, but nope.

“I’m starting to think you’re doing it on purpose,” I argue when I see the mischievous look in his eyes.

Gabriel shakes his head like a man with a strong conviction.

“I don’t—”

I end his sentence by taking what I want—kissing him on the mouth. He chuckles briefly before giving in, his lips parting to allow the kiss to deepen. Gabriel’s hands sneak around my waist, and he gets up, pulling me flush against his body.
