Page 14 of The Beginning Of Us

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“You and Cole were not driving, so I don’t think you’ll be in any trouble. But there’s underage drinking in this scenario. And you knowingly got in the car with Josie while she was drunk. You could be charged with gross negligence or reckless disregard of others’ safety. But, then again, you are minors. So you might get away with this. It just depends on how this goes in court.” She shakes her head, her eyes darkening. “But I’m not worried about any of this right now.”


She tsks, her expression reproachful. “Do you realize the scandal that would have happened to our family if you and Cole had been found at the scene of the accident?” Sienna quibbles. “Your father—

“Would have probably killed us, even if we had survived the accident.”

And that’s a fact.

If he didn’t kill us, he’d most likely disown us.

Sienna sighs softly, and squeezes my hand. I’m not sure how I feel about her affection. She’s not really mother material. And the last woman who was more of a mother to Cole and me left without a second glance. “I don’t think he’s that cruel.”

A humorless laugh bubbles from my throat. “I know what he’s capable of.”

“He’s out of the country for two weeks. He doesn’t need to find out about what happened.”

That makes me pause, a flicker of uncertainty filling me with anxiety. “What are you talking about?”

“I got you and Cole out before the cops and paramedics got to the scene. No one knows you were in that car with Josie except your two and me. And no one else has to know. The truth of this night stays among us.” She pauses, and her lips twitch with a faint, encouraging smile. But unease slides through my veins, and my chest tightens with something I can’t really explain. It’s almost like a feeling of dread, but I don’t know why. “Josie was driving the car. She’s dead, and the other driver is dead too.”

Sienna mentioning their deaths reminds me of how Cole and I have just evaded the unthinkable and yet Josie was not that lucky. Neither was the other person.

Is this what they call fate?

But how cruel can it be?

I lick my lips as my skull throbs with another dull pain. “What about the E.R. doctor who’s treating us?”

“He’s a friend of mine. I have connections, Colton. I can cover this up, and it will be as if nothing ever happened.” Sienna releases my hand and cups my cheeks with her palms. Her skin is clammy over my too-warm flesh. My body is overheated, and I let out a guttural wheeze.

“I can protect you and Cole,” Sienna vows with certainty. “Just trust me, okay?”

My lungs seem to succumb under my rapid breathing, making me wonder if I might be hyperventilating.

Consumed with paranoia and paralyzed by fear, all I can do is breathe, “O-okay.”

I’ve never had to depend on anyone before. Sure, Cole has always been there to back me up. But we’re brothers — twins, and we always have each other’s back.

Sienna finally lets go of my face and wraps her arms around my shoulders, pulling me into her embrace. Her fingers curl around the nape of my neck. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll take care of everything.”

I close my eyes, and for the first time, I pray. With a heart full of dread and fear, with apprehension and uncertainty crawling through my veins.

Please let Cole be okay.

Please let him live.


Riley — 16 years old (Junior year)

I scrub my uniform, trying to clean the stain as much as I can. Except I know I can’t hide this big blob of Bolognese sauce that was purposely spilled on me. My clean, unwrinkled uniform is now sullied and I don’t even have a change of clothes in my locker.

Damn it, the teachers are going to get on my case and probably give me detention. For being “unclean” and not looking like the school’s best standard. Berkshire Academy is unrivaled and well-known for being the private school for the rich. We have a certain standard here, and it needs to be kept at all times. Anyone who breaks those fundamental and unspoken rules becomes an outcast — both by teachers and students.

Our uniforms are new and pristine.

Our shoes are polished, without a stain on them.
