Page 191 of The Beginning Of Us

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And the hurt had poured out of her, like a broken damn of misery.

What I have to say to her… I can’t do that in the spur of a moment. I need to build trust again, before I can tell her the real reason behind our breakup.

Though I know she might never trust me again.

But I can try. At least a basic friendship until she’s ready to hear the truth.

And that’s why I’m here…

Two weeks later.

In Boston.

Sitting in the park, outside of her apartment.

She knows I’m here. She sees me from her window.

I’ve been waiting for fourteen days.

For another chance to talk to Riley.

For a chance to fix what I broke.


Riley — 22 years old

This is stupid. I don’t know how I let Lila convince me to come here— to visit a fortune teller. I don’t really believe in palm reading or fortune telling, yet I’m here. Standing outside Caroline Sanchez antique shop.

Lila had a coupon that was expiring today. She wanted me to use it, since she can’t. Lila is still in Manhattan, with Maddox. I don’t know when she’s coming back…

Her relationship with Maddox is messy right now and they are still trying to figure things out. I hope they do, because if anyone deserves a happy ending— it’s Maddox and Lila.

It’s been two weeks since the night of the Christmas gala, since Grayson has walked back into my life, asking for another to fix us.

I was furious at first, but since then… my anger has calmed.

Now, I’m just filled with uncertainty.

Grayson left Manhattan a day after Colton and I came back to Boston. Since then, he’s been living in a hotel, just five minutes away from my apartment.

And he waits for me every day in the park, right outside the building I live in. From seven in the morning until five in the afternoon. For ten hours, he sits there and waits.

I’ve texted him many times and told him to leave, but he hasn’t.

I don’t know how he does it.

Grayson has the patience of a saint.

The choice should have been easy…

Because while Grayson has hurt me; he broke my heart and a piece of me resents him for it. For all the pain he’s given me. Yet, there’s a deep corner in my fragile heart that still loves him

That piece of me, still breathes for his warmth and tenderness.

But I’m scared to hear his truth.

Grayson told me that nothing is as it seems, and that if I give him a chance to explain… I’ll understand why he had to leave me behind, why he had been forced to break us.
