Page 95 of The Beginning Of Us

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We thought it’d be safe, since my bullies have all graduated or left. We found ourselves a nice table in the corner, and Lila and I thought everything would be fine, that we could go back to some kind of normalcy.

But no, that was just our wishful thinking.

A week ago, Lila and I were somewhat invisible. It’s a new academic year and we were doing a pretty good job of blending in, without any drama or new scandal following us.


Lila just happened to catch the attention of Berkshire’s infamous quarterback and notorious playboy, Maddox Coulter. I knew her sass would get her in trouble one day. I knew it. So, here we are now.

Colton’s gaze catches mine, and I frown. That insufferable smirk of his is starting to really get annoying. I nudge my chin up and level him with a hard glare. He won't get under my skin; I won’t allow it.

I just…won’t.

Maddox and his friends grab a chair each, settling around our table. Colton sits next to me, stretching his long legs out in front of him. He’s so close, his knees bump into mine.

Maddox and Lila have their own thing going on. He likes to annoy her, testing her boundaries, waiting for her to snap. He knows Lila won’t shy away from his little game, so she’s a worthy opponent.

But Colton?

He’s using Maddox’s attention toward Lila to his advantage. Because if Maddox is constantly around my best friend, that means Colton is constantly around me.

He knows how much I detest his presence, that I want absolutely nothing to do with him.

But Colton enjoys pushing me, in the most condescending ways. He knows our history, the rivalry between our families. He should be keeping his distance from me, but he is, after all, the devil spawn of Henry Bennett.

My father has told me ath the Bennetts are known for destroying everything they put their hands on. They are to never be trusted. And I know Colton feels the same way about me.

He has a huge line of conquests, of girls who he has slept with and left with a broken heart. They are foolish for falling for his decadently handsome face, though. Because that’s all he is.

A rich boy, with an attractive face, a nice body and an ugly soul.

I still remember his words from when we met in rehab. Of how my humiliation was entertaining to him. How he had laughed in my face. Colton had called me a dead sparrow, because to him — I was nothing, but weak.

Colton snickers at something Maddox says, before stealing my brownie from my tray. A brownie that I wasn’t going to eat anyway, but it’s my brownie.

He keeps his eyes on mine, while taking a big bite. I can’t look away; he is so fucking maddening. His tongue swipes along his lower lip to catch the crumbs and then he places my brownie back on the tray. “It’s edible,” he says, his voice deep and sarcastic. “But quite bland if you ask me.”

He’s not talking about the brownie, I know. The meaning of his words are as obvious as his gaze that sweeps over my body suggestively, before landing back on my face.

“That was a lousy kiss. You can do better than that, man.” He slowly cocks his head to the side, responding to Maddox’s ‘indirect kiss’ comment toward Lila.

I drop my hands back into my lap, twisting my fingers together. I notice the way my knees are bouncing, and I try to stop them, attempting to hold my body still. But I can’t.

Dr. Bailey showed me how to spot signs of my anxiety.

And leg bouncing? Is my first anxiety response.

I don’t know why Colton is here or why he is trying to piss me off with his little remarks. Oh wait, I do know. Maybe I’m the next sad little victim in his conquest.

And maybe it’s more fun for him because I’m Thomas Johnson’s daughter.

Maddox grabs Lila’s chair, pulling her closer to him, the four legs making a loud screeching sound. The whole cafeteria is watching us now and the rumbling in my stomach begins. The shawarma I just ate settles heavily in my stomach, and I suddenly feel gross.

“What do you say, Garcia? Shall we put on a show for these asswipes?” Maddox asks, sounding a lot more seductive than before.

“Not interested. Your lips probably hold more disease than a pig’s asshole.” Lila hands him back her apple, giving him her best (fake) smile. “Consider this charity. Next time, I won’t be so gracious.”

His friends holler in response.
