Page 63 of Daring to Surrender

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That caught her attention and she jerked her gaze to his smirking one—he’d caught her staring at his chest. “A baby? Austin fathered a baby and didn’t know?”

He kicked off his boots, unbuckled his belt, and started to slowly undo his pants. She licked her lips in anticipation of the zipper going down and what it would reveal.

“It would appear he has a daughter that he knew nothing about.”

Distractedly she asked, “Surely he has some idea of the mother?”

His pointed look had her rethinking. “Right. He may not have a clue.”

Those men were sluts of the worst kind. And yes, she knew her husband had been one as well, but she’d erased every other woman from her mind and hopefully his too.

The past was there for a reason. It made them what they were today and she wouldn’t trade her life for anything or anyone.

Her nipple popped out of Rowan’s mouth and he stared up at her with the most adorable toothless smile. She shifted him to the other breast and looked up to find her husband staring.

“When do I get them back?” he asked with a pained frown.

She hid her grin. “When your son decides they are no longer a way to fill his belly. Probably a year.”

His eyes grew and his mouth dropped as he whined, “A year?”

She laughed out loud, causing Rowan to stop sucking and look up at her with disapproval at disturbing his meal. Innocently she commented, “But you know what? I think it’s important to teach our son to share.”

Catching on, Dozer puffed his massive chest out and agreed. “You’re dang straight.”

“Hey, where are you going?” she asked as he sprinted to the door.

He stopped only long enough to give her a panty-drenching grin, “I’m going to get Jaci to look after Rowan when he finishes. You, wife, need a shower. You’re a dirty, dirty girl.”

Jaci is a fifty-three-year-old woman who’d been assisting with Rowan. She wasn’t a nanny, because she and Dozer wanted to raise their own children, but it was nice having someone they trusted to help out on occasion.

“Dozer,” she called out to his quickly retreating back. “Put your pants on first or you’ll make the poor woman faint dead away.”

After he’d pulled his pants back on and left, Janel leaned her head back against the rocking chair and closed her eyes with a contented smiled on her face. Her life was perfect and the last SuMartra heir was good and married, and living her happily-ever-after.

A thought struck. Her eyes opened and she looked down at Rowan. Until…a lot of years in the future when the third generation of SuMartras came of age. Look out!
