Page 92 of Meet Cute

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My stomach sinks and I can feel my eyes starting to fill with tears as my heart breaks into a million pieces.

I should have known better than this. I’m always so naïve. First, I let Nichole take advantage of me and rob me blind and now I’m falling for Davis’s lies too.

Why can’t I seem to catch a break?

“I just… I can’t stand by and watch another girl get hurt by my cousin. I just… I can’t,” he says and I nod.

My mind is racing and I take a step back from the counter.

“I’m sorry again for the other day. Please, let me know if I can do anything else to make up for it,” he says and I nod.

He taps the counter twice with his knuckles, giving me a sad smile before he turns and heads out the door.

My mind is racing and I take a deep breath. It feels like I can’t suck in enough oxygen and this hollow feeling starts to spread from my stomach, up into my chest, and then down my limbs.

“Izzy? Izzy!” Clara calls as she rushes my way.

Her thin arms wrap around me and we sink down to the floor. I can hear her trying to talk to me, to calm me down, but it just sounds like a whooshing sound in my ears.

“Breathe, dear. Just breathe,” she coaxes me and I nod, sucking in a deep breath.

“It’s okay, you’re okay.”

She pushes some of my strawberry blonde hair out of my eyes and I nod at her.

“I’m alright,” I tell her but she doesn’t look convinced.

“Maybe you should take the rest of the day off. Get some more rest,” she says gently and I nod.

“Yeah, I’d like that. I’m sorry for leaving you short handed again,” I tell her as we stand.

“It’s okay. I’ll manage. You just take care of yourself.”

I thank her, hanging up my apron and grabbing my purse.

“I’ll be in on Wednesday,” I promise her and she nods.

“Let me know if you need anything in the meantime,” she tells me and I smile.


I head out onto the sidewalk and take a deep breath.

Where do I go now? I can’t go back to Davis’s place, obviously, and he knows where my apartment is so I can’t go there.

I need to get myself under control before I face Davis. I need to build my walls back up so that I don’t fall for anymore of his lies.

I pull out my phone, hitting my best friend, Adeline’s, phone number. She offered me her couch and I should have taken her up on that offer. I could have avoided this whole mess.

“Hey, chica!” She answers and I smile slightly.

It’s good to hear her voice. We’ve been texting over the last few days but it’s not the same as getting to talk with her.

“Hey, can I crash at your place for a few days?” I ask.

“Of course! I’m here now, but I need to get down to the club in an hour. Think that you can be here before then so I can let you in?”

“Yeah, I’m only a few blocks away. I’ll be there in like half an hour,” I promise her.
