Page 61 of My Dark Protector

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“Stop it.”

Britt looked pointedly at the dress Teagan was wearing and then back up at her.

“Yousuggested this one,” Teagan argued.

“I suggested many, you picked this one. Because you look stupid hot in it. You’re not wearing that for me or Brad. And it’s outside your comfort zone. So, who are you planning on impressing?”

“Should I put on the other one?” She got up and Britt pulled her back down.

“Talk to me, Teags. You’re getting all squeaky.”

“Look, I don’t want… I do want… I just…” Fucking hell, shewassqueaky. “God, Britt. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.”

Brittany put down the eyeshadow brush in her hand. “Don’t you?”

“No? I’ve never...God, I don’t even know ifhewants.”

“Oh, he wants.”

“And how do you know that?”

“Honey, I have eyes.”

“So do I.”

“Then you’ve got blinders on,” Britt said. “You need to talk tohimis what you need. Go squeak at him so he can make it better.”

“I… I don’t know how to bring it up.”

Britt swept a smoky dark color over her lids and reached into her cosmetic bag, pulling out two lipsticks. She peered at them while she raised her voice a pitch to imitate Teagan. “Jaxon, we kissed. It was really good. I need to talk about it before my head explodes.” She switched back to her own voice. “Then you sit down and talk.” She handed one of the lipsticks to Teagan. “Wear that.”

She took the tube from her. “I can’t say that.”

“Why not?”

She uncapped it and rolled it without really looking at the color. She pouted her lips and swept the lipstick over them. It was dark red. Almost blood red. It was loads darker than she usually wore, but fuck if it didn’t look amazing. “I just… I don’t know.”

She knew why she couldn’t. Because she couldn’t handle being rejected. Or finding out that what she feared was the truth. That Jaxon didn’t have feelings for her other than that she was a woman and she was nearby and he wanted.

A part of her knew that wasn’t the case. That Jaxon did care about her and he’d never… he wouldn’t… but why wouldn’t he? Every other man she’d ever met got stupid when the possibility of seeing or touching her boobs was on the table. So why would Jaxon be any different?

“Well that’s on you, I can’t talk to him for you,” Britt said, pulling two tissues from a nearby box and handing one to Teagan so she could blot. “You should definitely do something with your eyes. Nothing drastic, just… eyeliner or something.”

Brittany was right. She was running in circles when she should be talking to Jaxon. And he wanted to talk. He’d said as much when she’d seen him earlier. He didn’t like the way they left things. Well, that made two of them.

Chapter Eighteen

“You think? I have an eyeliner pencil in my purse somewhere…” she reached for it and Britt batted her hand away.

“I’ve got a liquid one you can use.”

“I’m no good with liquid.”

“Well I am, so turn around here and be still.”

It took her all of two minutes to give Teagan winged eyeliner in a way that made her jealous that she’d never practiced with anything more than the black pencil she got from the drug store. She chose a tan and blue combination for her eyelids, and it was faint, but still visible if you really looked.

By the time Britt let her hair down from the hot rollers, she barely recognized herself.
