Page 16 of Knot Fit For Love

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"From me, yes. Do you have any idea how many omegas there are who are incapable of even imagining working as you do?"

The slight expression of discomfort on Elias' face turned into an all-out frown. "I'd prefer not to speak about my gender, Mr. Weston. It has nothing to do with my work."

Levi glanced at him out of the corner of his eye with a snort. "That's what I just said. You do great things in the name of your gender, and, therefore, transcend the societal mainstream. Not that you accomplish goals despite being an omega, but because you are."

The longer the alpha spoke, the less Elias could bring himself to tear his eyes away. Each word built a wall of conviction that towered in front of him like an overwhelming, flashing neon sign he couldn't ignore. And that sign blinked one steady word: respect.

It was so strange coming from a business-centric alpha. Elias was uncertain about what to say or how to react. He crossed his arms over his chest, glancing away.

"Why are you really here, huh? Certainly not for a project that hasn't been introduced to the public yet. What other business do you have with the CFO of Deaton Medical?"

Elias detected Levi's movements as he got up and approached, yet he continued to face the windows. The dwindling sun over the great expanse of skyscrapers that littered Hamton's inner rim filtered in. It was beautiful, but not near enough to distract him from the scent of Levi growing stronger.

When the alpha finally stopped, he was toe-to-toe with Elias, towering over him by half a foot in height and twice the shoulder width. He refused to look, eyes stinging with the urge to blink. He didn't know why he wasn't blinking, only that his eyes were itchy and his skin felt tight and a certain part of him was thrashing against the blockers.

It'd done that twice today already, leaving him wrung out in the face of it now. Elias unwound his arms and gripped the edge of the desk tightly, leaning back. Levi followed, kicking Elias' legs apart so he could fit his wide hips between them. Elias could only go willingly, because fuck, his knees went weak at that serene confidence. As if Levi was well aware of how hard Elias fought his instincts.

"Would you believe me if I said I came here to propose another kind of deal?" the alpha asked, straightening Elias' collar and brushing thin calluses along his skin. Every touch was charged with electricity. "One that's decidedly more personal, but beneficial to the both of us."

Elias didn't betray his rapid heart with anything more than an uncontrollable twitch of his brow. It took everything in his power to keep his face turned away and not lose his rising temper. Was this man someone who respected him or took advantage of omegas? Levi's actions didn't match his words.

"I'd say I'm not interested. Please step back."

Not a shiver tore through his voice, and Elias barely refrained from patting himself on the back. He also wanted to give a shout out to the desk for single-handedly holding up his body. It sure as hell wasn't his sweaty palms.

"Not until you look at me."

Elias gulped, finally blinking and keeping his eyes squeezed shut. With another deep breath, he turned his face back toward Levi, trying to gather the bravery to meet his eyes. It was the tipping point. He'd be a goner if the alpha was right there with those plush red lips parted just enough for Elias' tongue to slip between.


"Come on," Levi said, rolling the words on that sly tongue. "All you have to do is look me in the eye and say that again, then I'll back off."

Unwanted warmth gathered as Elias's eyes sprang open, their color shifting from light jade to dark stars. Levi smiled, canines elongated and gleaming beneath the sunset, drawing Elias closer. He didn't move, taking a deep, steady breath without breaking eye contact. This desire was a choice.

Elias had sex with that alpha earlier today. No one had forced him. He enjoyed it, and didn't really regret it, deep down. He felt satiated, at least for a few hours, before his body went back to wanting, which was a constant state of being for him.

He was ready for it despite how distraught it left his omega to walk away from that car, and from Ian, and now, Levi. What do you want? He screamed inside himself, involuntarily clenching his thighs and inadvertently wrapping them around Levi's firm waist.





That single syllable was so wrecked Elias was ashamed of himself. He dropped his chin to his chest, grinding his nails into the wood of his desk,shivering, locked legs around the alpha's waist.

I sound ridiculous! Elias thought, forcing his flushed face into a more acceptable glare…only to find that Levi had watched it all. Every flash of open emotion which flew across Elias' face while he fought with his innermost desires. His cheeks turned red, and the blush extended to his ears as he contemplated the idea. He then sat heavily on the desk, using his entire weight to push Levi off with his palms.

The moment he did so, the alpha moved faster, capturing them both in one hand with ease. Elias' breath stalled when Levi brought them to his chest, rubbing a thumb across his knuckles. Heat flared at every pass, making him stare, heavy-lidded, until he sort of forgot why he was trying to get away.

"I don't think I need to say anything, do I?" Levi rumbled, rolling his hips and hard cock against Elias.

He whimpered, just a little, barely at all, but a pleased hum followed from the alpha as he snaked his free arm around Elias' waist, pulling their bodies flush together. The sensation of Levi's cock rubbing against his own, even through their clothes, caused him to arch his head back, gasping for air.

The warmth that started in his stomach was raging through his entire body, pumping through his veins, itching across his skin. Elias absolutely understood the one thing to satisfy it. Why again? Why with this man?
