Page 30 of Eternally Rare

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The blue hue on his cheeks deepens, and then he wiggles out from under me. I don’t stop him this time. I’m too stunned.

With a swipe of his finger, he dresses himself in a thin white dress, it forms tightly to his body, moving with every step he takes. Snow drifts from it and I realize that is what makes his gown.

His cock is still hard against his thigh, the ridge barely covered with the layer of snow.

“It is best if we stop this now. My House will be looking for me soon and we do not want to be caught together. I am sure you would not like to answer your dragons when they ask why you were alone with the elf who killed your father.”

I stand, rolling my head across my shoulders, and spread my wings, flinching to work the ache out of the left one. The heat in my cock controls my every thought. I can’t focus on what is important when he is standing there in a nearly sheer snow dress that hugs his every defined line his body has. It leaves no room for imagination.

The grass crunches under me as I step forward. Cailian crosses his arms in front of him, shielding himself in a bubble of ice so I can’t reach him.

“You do not want this. You do not want us, so please, leave me be. I cannot survive you if you take another step.”

I stop just outside the shield of ice, his large blue eyes wide and unblinking as he waits for me to make a decision.

“I can’t survive you either.” I scratch the tip of my claw down the shield, a long groove left in my wake. “The destruction you will leave me in will be catastrophic. Saving me won’t be possible.” I tell him, tapping on the ice. I increase the pressure.




I’m slamming my fist against the shield, and it cracks, but Cailian is quick. He holds out his palms, doing his best to freeze the broken surface so I can’t get to him.

Opening my mouth, I release my fire, the heat melting the ice to a worthless puddle at our feet. I don’t want to hurt him again, so I close my lips when he is finally in arm’s reach. That fucking gown is still tight against his body, slinking down to the earth.

I never thought I’d be jealous of snow, but I am. I’m furious at the cold flakes. They get to touch his body without remorse. Inhaling a deep breath, I release the air, keeping it heated, and blow it all over his body.

The dress melts from him. His torso is exposed first, his dark grey nipples dying for attention. The dip in his waist is revealed next, then the V chiseling the pathway to his cock.

“You are more beautiful than one of your flowers that manages to bloom through ice,” I explain as the rest of the gown falls to pieces on the grass before it vanishes, changing its form to water. “So tell me, Prince Cailian of The House of Ice and Snow, are you a virgin?” I step forward, having to bend down to look at him in his face. “You never answered me.”

He is tall, but nowhere near as large as I am. I tower over him and seeing him tilting his head back to look at me is my new favorite view.

“I do not think that is important information. We should get Rarity here.”

I barricade him against the tree with my arms. “Are you a virgin? Don’t make me ask again.”

“Yes,” he trembles, licking his lips as he turns his head to place more distance between our lips. “Yes, I am. I wanted to wait for my mate. It did not feel right having sex when I knew my mate was out there.”

“I did not wait for you,” I admit to him, taking the point of his ear between my fingers again. “Dragons are not the same.”

Smoke sways from my nostrils, a cloud of impatience from the dragon within me. Next, a rumble shakes my chest, and my nails drag down the bark.

“Dove?” he whispers. “Are you okay?”

“You need to run,” I tell him, unable to pull myself away. “I can’t hold myself back knowing you’ve never been with another.”

He dips under my arm and isn’t two steps away from me when I strike my arm out, gripping his hair by the root to stop him.

“Dove!” he cries out in pain, reaching his hands to free mine. “You are hurting me.”

I yank him to my chest, his back smooth and cool against the heat of my scales. My fire is high, burning so deep, if I don’t take him, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to live another day.

“That’s what I should be doing, isn’t it? I should be skinning you alive, seeking revenge, but damn it, you’re more tempting than the gift of lava, Cailian.” I rub my cock against his backside.

“You cannot keep touching me. I’ll— I’ll go into heat, Dove. You’ll make me and then what will we do?”
