Page 31 of Eternally Rare

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I nibble the tip of his ear and he cries into the forest for all to hear, stretching to stand on his tiptoes. “I guess I’ll have to knot you through it, My Little Elf.” I spin him around, keeping my hand cupping the back of his head so he can’t run away from me.

This is bad.

This is so fucking bad.

His cold breath puffs against my mouth before stealing my lips abruptly, giving in to anger and desperation. He bites my lower lip and I growl.

The hate I’ve convinced myself of starts to chip away the longer he is in my arms, the longer he holds my kiss, the more he moans against me.

If I’m not careful, I’ll get lost in Prince Cailian.

There’s a voice inside my head whispering that I won’t get lost, but I’ll get found.

His fingers dig into my chest his nails dragging over my scales, and I kiss him harder.

It’s punishing.

It’s abusive.

His teeth clank against mine.

My fangs nip his lip until I taste blood.

And fuck me, he tastes so good.

His sly fingers travel down my chest, reaching for the button of my pants, and once they are unsnapped, I kick them off, the kiss breaking from the movement. I snarl in frustration from not having his lips on me this fucking instant and rob them again before he has a chance to breathe anything else but me.

I moan down his throat, grabbing every inch of him. His ass is round and full, bubbly for his frame, and my cock weeps with precome, dying to be inside him. Pressing one hand against his hip, then the other on his shoulder, I spin him around, the crease of his ass trying to hug my thick dragon cock.

My eyes fall upon his back, then his narrow shoulders and my mark is there. I trace the scars with my nails, a perfect fit.

“You hide them with your robes,” my voice takes on the depth of my dragon, a baritone so low, it shakes the leaves of the trees.

“I have to hide you,” he replies, gasping as I palm his ass.

I don’t say anything to that because I have to hide him too.

I turn him around again, smirk into his glassy eyes, and shove him to his knees. “Suck.”

Cailian stares at my cock, his eyes wide, his palms on my thighs. He reaches between his legs to touch himself and I slip a claw under his chin to tilt his head back.

“Don’t touch yourself. Your cock is mine. You’ll come by my hand or Rarity’s, our other firebond. Do you understand? If I smell come on you at any point, ever, and I didn’t make you feelthat pleasure, I’ll bend you over my knee, Little Elf. I’ll spank that pretty silver ass until it’s blue.”

A burst of aroma emanates through the air, making me growl when I smell just how much he loves that idea.

“Maybe not,” I say, stroking his cheek. “It seems you like that idea.”

He whimpers with closed eyes. Taking my cock in my hand, I press the head against his lips which has him opening his eyes.

“That’s it. Watch as I fuck this face. You aren’t a prince with me, are you? You’re just a dirty firebond wanting my cock, nothing more.”

He hums around the crown, squeezing the base where my knot will form. I moan loudly, wrapping my wings around him so we have more privacy. Being barricaded makes the moment more intimate. Every moan and breath is louder. I become more aware of him, of our bond, of what he means to me while his mouth stretches to take more than he possibly can.

He sucks me eagerly, a bit messy, unsure, with no rhythm, but his mouth is by far the best I’ve ever felt. I wish I would have waited too, but unlike him, I didn’t think my firebond existed. I thought my only purpose was to kill the man who is currently on his knees, trusting me not to take advantage of his vulnerability and take his life.

I could, but even the thought has tears brimming in my eyes at the mere thought of him not existing. What would life be like without being graced with him? A beauty not even the galaxy can compare to.

He takes his free hand and cups my sack, trying to fondle all three orbs. They are too big. One barely fits in his palm while the others wait for his attention. He hums happily, gagging and choking when he tries to take me deeper.
