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“Wasn’t Bucket supposed to come with you tonight?” he asks, leaning back against the railing.

“Beckett’s sick. He couldn’t make it tonight.”

“Good,” Eli mutters. “We don’t need him infecting the entire party with his fucking germs.”

I ignore his comment and give him a curious look. “So, let me get this straight,” I say, putting a hand on my hip. “You came out here to tell some strange girl you liked her boots?”

Eli grins. “I wasn’t exactly looking at the boots.”

“Yeah, I didn’t think so,” I reply, unable to hide my smirk.

A silence falls between us because I royally suck at flirting. Instead, I blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind. “And how are things going with Mandi?”

Eli tips his head back and looks up at the sky. “Don’t know how to answer that question.”


“Nope. Not much better than before. That’s all I can say.”

“Eli! There you are!” Mandi peeks her head out onto the balcony. “Why are you guys outside? The party’s in here.” She sidles up to Eli and wraps her arms around his waist. “Come dance with me, Eli. It’s a slow song.”

He gives her an easy smile, but I notice it doesn’t touch his eyes. “But it’s so nice out here.”

Mandi pouts and lets him go, then takes his hand and pulls him toward the living room. “Please?”

“I guess I can’t say no to you.” I don’t miss the touch of irritation in his voice as he sets his cup of beer down on the balcony railing. “You’re very persistent.”

I hide a smile behind my own cup. “If only you’d have had some way of knowing that ahead of time, eh?”

He shoots me an amused look as Mandi drags him off, and I give him a sarcastic finger wave.

Sighing, I turn back around and look over the railing to the street below. I’ll definitely be leaving this party earlier than expected. Or maybe it will be right on time, considering the last thing I want to see is Mandi climbing all over Eli for the rest of the night.

* * *

Two and a half hours and three cups of beer later, I’m more than ready to bail. I’ve been perched on the edge of the couch, pretending to surf on my phone while watching the party guests dance, laugh, and get stupid.

I’m equal parts annoyed and envious as I watch a girl dressed as a sexy vampire dance on a table. Her friends cheer her on as she shakes her hips seductively, and a few guys hover nearby, obviously appreciating the view.

I wish I could let go like that and not care what anyone thinks. Sadly, that’s just not who I am. At least, not yet.

Maybe someday.

The music switches to a slow song, and couples crowd onto the large living room floor to slow dance.

As I pick up my jacket, Eli stops in front of me. He’s holding the pink and white lily that I’d worn in my hair.

“I think you lost this,” he says, holding out the flower. It’s still in perfect condition, thankfully.

“It must have fallen out,” I murmur, touching my hair.

Eli takes a step forward, then gently tucks the flower behind my ear. “There,” he says, his fingers lingering on my hair for a moment. “Perfect.”

I swallow, then clear my throat. “Um... thank you.”

“You look like you’re heading out.”

“I am. I’ve reached my limit on warm beer and weed smoke for the night.”
