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“You don’t love him, Mandi,” I say gently. “You’ve got a crush. It’s okay, I get it. He’s really good-looking, he’s nice—”

“And he’s a great kisser,” she says, a dreamy look crossing her face.

Swallowing, I shove my hands into my jacket pockets and force the image of the two of them out of my head. “That may be, but he doesn’t want a girlfriend. He’s told you as much, and you have to respect that. Youneedto respect that.”

“I do, but I can’t stop hoping,” she says quietly. “I’m allowed to hope, right?”

Well, damn. Who the hell am I to tell her she can’t hope? I’m doing the same damned thing, even though I know it’s bad for me.

Me and hope? We have a very complicated relationship.

“I guess,” I say grudgingly. My phone buzzes, and I pull it from my front pocket.

Beckett: Hey, I’m leaving band practice in about five minutes. See you at the party.

Holland: Are Jasmine and Dante coming? I haven’t heard back from her.

Beckett: Not sure. I haven’t talked to Jasmine. See you soon.

“Who was that?” Mandi asks, glancing at my phone.

“Beckett. He just texted to let me know he’s coming to the party.”

“He’s pretty cute,” Mandi replies. “I don’t understand why you don’t go out with him.”

“Because I don’t have those kinds of feelings for him, and I don’t want to lead him on.”

Mandi shrugs. “Can’t you just have some fun with him? No strings?”

I shake my head. “I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t be a good idea.”

We arrive at Eli’s place a few minutes later. Due to the cold temperatures, there aren’t many people lingering outside on the porch except a few guys who are passing around a joint.

Speakers are blaring Divine Holding’s “Hit it Like That, Ya” from inside the house. Mandi lets out a squeal of excitement and gives her hips a little shake as we approach the door. “Oh my god! I love this song. I want to dance!”

She slips off her coat and charges through the front door like she owns the place as I roll my eyes. When I follow her inside, the first thing I notice is the atmosphere of this party feels completely different than the last one.

There’s the typical smell of weed and beer in the air, but there’s also a shit ton of food everywhere. Bowls of snacks, piles of pizza, and dishes of candy are crammed on every available space.

Mandi’s party had a good-sized crowd, but somehow this one doesn’t feel as stifling, even though there are plenty of people in the house.

I squeeze my way through the front hall and head toward the kitchen so I can grab a drink. Unable to resist, I grab a handful of M&M’s as I go past an overflowing candy dish and pour them into my mouth.

Sure enough, multiple kegs are set up in the kitchen. Plastic cups are stacked on the counter, and smaller shot glasses are lined up near the bottles of harder liquor.

Due to the number of kegs, I don’t have to wait more than a minute to fill my cup. I manage to make my way out of the tiny kitchen without spilling my beer, then go back out into the hall. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out, peering down at the screen.

Jasmine: Hey Hol, sorry I didn’t answer earlier. Me and Dante will be at the party in like two minutes. See you soon!

Yay! At least I’ll have the two of them and Beckett to hang out with tonight. I ease my way past a couple making out in the hallway and walk into the living room.

It’s a huge space, with old, worn hardwood floors and white walls the guys haven’t bothered to decorate. The 70s-style gold couches have been pushed against the walls to make room for dancing. A big screen TV is mounted on the wall at the opposite end of the room, and of course a hockey game is playing.

Eli’s hanging out near a card table next to the staircase, and as usual, he’s surrounded by girls.

To my dismay, one of them is Stacie, the beautiful brunette who has been trying to hook up with him all semester. Her crew is hovering nearby, flirting with a few of the other guys from the hockey team.

I take a sip of beer, content to hover near the archway, but Eli spots me and waves me over.
