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“Holland!” he calls over the music. “Get your ass over here.”

The last thing I feel like doing is hanging out with any of the piranhas surrounding him, but I don’t want to blow him off, either.

Eli looks completely at ease in his surroundings, and why wouldn’t he? It’s his house, and he’s in his element with this crew. Everyone loves him. Stacie’s gazing at him like he’s a god, though that’s nothing new.

Her eyes narrow as I walk toward the group. It’s the first time she’s ever looked at me and not through me.

“You showed up,” Eli says, grinning as I approach the table. “Good thing too, or I would have dragged you out of your room.”

It’s a little quieter over here in the corner, so we don’t need to shout.

“I said I would be here, didn’t I?”

“You look good.” He gives me a playful wink. “I like that t-shirt.”

“Thanks. You know there’s no end to my supply of band tees,” I reply, taking a long pull on my beer.

He looks amazing, but when doesn’t he? His dark hair looks like it’s been casually styled with a bit of product, and he’s wearing jeans and a green t-shirt. It clings nicely to him and shows off his sexy, built arms.

Stacie places a hand possessively on Eli’s shoulder. “Who’s your little friend, Eli?” The smile she flashes me drips with venom. “I don’t know that I’ve seen her around before.”

“I’m Holland,” I tell her, answering before Eli can. It’s clear to me that she’s marking her territory, which I find hilarious because she’s never considered me a threat before now.

“Oh, howcute. Like the country?”

“Well, the country is actually the Netherlands,” I correct. “My mom’s family is from there originally.”

“I didn’t know that’s how you got your name,” Eli says, raising a brow. “Nice.”

“Well, actually it’s kind of weird, though, isn’t it?” Stacie asks, wrinkling her nose. “It’s not like Holland is a real first name.”

“I fucking love her name,” Eli tells Stacie. “And what constitutes a real first name, anyway? I’m sure Stacie wasn’t a real first name at one time, either.”

I hide a smile behind my cup, wanting to hug Eli for defending me. He knows what she’s up to, and I can tell he’s not impressed.

Stacie sniffs. “I’m just saying that it’s... different.”

“It is. And that’s why I like it.” He gives her a pointed look.

“Hey, Holland!”

I turn around and see Jasmine waving at me from the archway. Dante’s right behind her. He gives me a head nod.

God, they’re absolutely stunning together. Jas looks killer in blue jeans and a shimmering green top that I know she designed herself, and Dante’s wearing a button-down maroon shirt and black jeans. More than one head turns as they enter the room.

I wave them over.

“Yay, you made it,” I tell Jas as she slings an arm around me. I deliberately ignore Stacie when I make introductions. “Eli, this is my friend, Jasmine, and her boyfriend, Dante. Guys, this is Eli Donnelley. He’s throwing the party.”

“Eli Donnelley? You’re number 52 on the hockey team, right?” Dante asks him. “I saw last Saturday’s game. You guys fucking killed it out there.”

Eli nods. “Yeah, that’s me. Thanks. That was a tough game.”

Jas leans in close and nods toward Eli. “That is one fine man. But you’re just friends, right?”


“Hmm,” she replies. “Is he the reason you're not into Beckett? Because well, if so, I can see that.”
