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“I’m friends with Beckett, just like I’m friends with Eli.”

“Uh-huh.” She makes atsknoise and shakes her head, laughing.

“Well, I am,” I say defensively.

I haven’t told Jas about my crush. Hell, I haven’t even told Penn. For some reason, I just can’t bring myself to talk about it.

Eli’s in a deep discussion with Dante about hockey when “She’s Doing It” by U Owen Me begins to play.

“Yessss! Old school jam!” Jas yells. She grabs my arm and drags me toward the middle of the living room. “We’re hitting the floor, no arguments, Hol.”

I can’t help but grin as she literally dances through people to get to the middle of the floor. Jas loves to dance, and she’s good, too.

Despite my wallflower status at parties, I really do love to dance. And when I’m with my friends, it’s a lot easier to let your guard down and have fun.

Jas sings along with the song as we bust out our best moves, laughing as we do. The living room is packed with people bumping and grinding along with us.

“We’ve got an audience,” Jas yells, nodding toward the card table.

Dante and Eli are watching us dance, heads bent together in conversation. Dante grins, then fist bumps Eli, who says something to him, and they both laugh.

“They either think we’re really bad, or they’re talking about how hot we look,” Jas says, doing a sexy little twerk move in Dante’s general direction.

“I’m guessing they’re hot for you and laughing at me,” I joke.

“Please. You look really hot tonight, Hol. I love your hair like that.”

Well, score one for Mandi, I guess. If Jas likes it, I know it must look good.

The song switches to a slow jam, and Dante comes over to Jas, sliding his hands around her waist from behind. “I’ve got this dance,” he murmurs, kissing her neck.

“Have fun,” I tell them with a grin. When I turn around, I end up face to face with Beckett.

“Hey!” I say, surprised. “You made it.”

“Told you I’d be here. Damn, you and Jas were tearing up the floor, huh?”

“You saw that?” I ask, laughing. “Yeah, it was fun.”

He runs a hand through his blond hair and stares down at me. “What do you think? Want to dance with me?”

“Oh,” I say, hesitating. I guess a dance won’t hurt anything. After all, I’ve been clear that I just want to be friends. “Uh, sure. Why not?”

He pulls me in close, and I wrap my arms around his neck as we begin to sway to the music.

“You look really great tonight, Hol.”

“Thanks. Mandi insisted on doing my hair before we came here.”

“You should do it like this more often. It looks really sexy.”

Oh, balls. I’m not touching that comment with a ten-foot pole. I just smile and keep my mouth shut.

His hands drop just a little too low a moment later, but it’s not anything that’s indecent, so I decide to just let it go.

We chat about his next gig while we dance, and before I know it, the song is over. I release him quickly and flash a smile. “I’m going to get something to drink.”

“What do you want?” he asks. “I’ll grab it.”
