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“And I told you that if you stuck with me, it would be different. That I’d look out for you and make sure you had fun. Iwantedyou here tonight, Holland.”

“So hanging out with you while you’re surrounded by people like Stacie is supposed to be fun for me? She couldn’t wait to take a shot at me. I don’t want to be around people like that, Eli, and you’realwayssurrounded by those kinds of people! I promise you, that is not fun for me. Not on any level.”

“I put her in her place,” he says hotly. “I wasn’t going to let her talk to you like that.”

My eyes fill with tears, and my throat gets all achy and tight. This is brutal. I can’t stand fighting with him like this. It’s making my stomach hurt and fills me with anxiety.

“Is this how you were going to make sure I had fun?” I ask him, struggling not to cry. God, I’m so tired of crying around this man. “By dragging me out here in the cold to yell at me? To berate me for inviting people who I thought would give me some comfort? Is this the part where I’m supposed to say thank you? Well, fine. Thanks for looking out for me, Eli. Thankssomuch.”

I storm back into the house and head for the kitchen, pushing my way past a crowd of people waiting to get at the keg. I drain my beer cup, then grab a bottle of vodka and pour a healthy amount into a fresh cup along with a splash of orange juice. I gulp it down, then head back into the living room in search of my friends.

Jas is standing with both Dante and Beckett near the fireplace. She raises an eyebrow when she sees me. “Everything okay, Hol?”

“Yes,” I mutter, waving dismissively. “I really want to dance.”

Jas shrugs. “Don’t have to ask me twice.”

For the next hour and a half, we dance our asses off while Dante and Beckett stand around with a bunch of other guys, deep in conversation about who knows what. Not that I care. I’m too busy dancing.

Jasmine and I take time to get our drink on amidst our groove-busting session, too. I’m desperate to forget my fight with Eli and determined to have a good time in spite of it. I’ve consumed a hell of a lot of alcohol, but surprisingly, I still don’t feel overwhelmingly drunk.

A few girls have taken up residence on the sturdy block coffee table, dancing and laughing. Once again, I’m jealous by their willingness to show off their moves in such a bold fashion. I’ve never been a “dance on the table” kind of girl, but I’ve always wanted to try.

Glancing around the room, I catch sight of Eli sitting at the card table. He’s drinking and playing cards with a few of his hockey buddies, but he doesn’t look happy. He glances up, and our gazes lock.

He lifts a beer bottle to his mouth and takes a swig without taking his eyes off me, then rips his gaze away and smacks the bottle down on the table.

He’s obviously still pissed, but I’m determined not to let it spoil my good time.

Big Prosperity’s “On the Other Side” starts up, the heavy bass rattling the speakers, and I’ve got enough alcohol in me to lower my inhibitions and kick my courage into overdrive.

I yank my waterfall cardigan off and toss it on one of the couches, then hop up onto a sturdy-looking end table and launch into a sexy solo dance.

“Go Holland!” Jas yells, pumping her fist in the air as I begin to bump and grind to the thumping rap song. She grabs Dante and Beckett, and they surround me as I roll my hips seductively, lifting my arms over my head and smiling down at my friends.

A crowd surrounds me as I dance, and now they’re cheering me on, which shoots my adrenaline into overdrive. I dip down, then spin around slowly, tossing my head back as I move. Halfway through the song, Beckett slides his hand up my leg, then slaps me on the ass, hard.

I’m so startled that I immediately stop dancing. A rumble goes through the crowd, and out of the corner of my eye I see an arm shoot out and shove Beckett to the ground. When I turn around, I see Eli standing over Beckett, his eyes blazing with unchecked fury.

“Get the fuck out,” he orders as Beckett scrambles to his feet. He steps forward and gets in Eli’s face, but Dante slides between them.

“Don’t even, B,” Dante says to Beckett. “Donnelley’s right. That was fucked up, dude. You had no right to lay your hands on her.”

“Get the fuck out,” Eli tells him again. He’s practically vibrating with rage. “Right now.”

Jas helps me down from the table as Beckett turns on his heel and walks down the hall, disappearing through the crowd.

“Make sure he fucking leaves,” Eli yells to one of his teammates, who is standing at the other end of the hall.

“I can’t believe Beckett did that,” Jas says to me, a stunned look on her pretty face. “That was...”

“Yeah, I know,” I say quietly.

Eli stares down at me. “Still think he’s a great guy, Holland?” His voice is weirdly devoid of emotion despite how upset he looks. “Maybe next time you’ll trust me.”

Eli holds my gaze for another few seconds before shaking his head and turning away. Then he grabs a bottle of beer and stomps up the stairs.

“You okay, Holland?” Dante asks, placing a hand on my shoulder.
