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“Yeah,” I murmur, glancing at the now empty staircase. “I need to talk to Eli.”

“Yeah, I think you should,” Jas agrees. “We’re going to take off, okay? Have you got this?”

“Yeah,” I nod. “I’ll text you later.”

I watch as they head down the hallway, then glance at the staircase again. I know I can’t leave things like this between us. It’s even worse now than it was before.

I make a quick detour to the kitchen for more liquid courage. There’s a guy mixing up shots at the counter.

“What are you having?” he asks.

“I don’t care. Whatever you’ve got.”

He hands me a full shot glass and grins. “Liquid Cocaine.”

“Excuse me?” I ask, feeling slightly alarmed.

He laughs. “It’s not actual cocaine. It’s just the name of the shot.”

He hands me the glass, and I take a deep breath, then gulp it.

My heart is heavy as I go upstairs, and unfortunately, the liquor hasn’t had a chance to kick in and calm my nerves yet.

Eli had looked so upset, and after what had happened, I guess I can’t blame him. Beckett’s behavior had shocked both me and Jas, but Eli... somehow, he’d known what Beckett was about.

I walk over to the side staircase and find the door closed. Taking a deep breath, I turn the knob and open the door, staring up at the narrow stairs.

Here goes nothing, I guess.

Once I reach the top, I knock softly on his bedroom door.

“This area’s off-limits,” he growls. “Get the fuck out of here.”

Ugh. This isn’t going to be easy. I put one hand on the wall to steady myself as the alcohol begins to kick in. Yikes, that shit was potent.

“It’s me,” I say, my voice wavering.

I’m still leaning on the wall when he rips the door open, then purses his lips as his gaze lands on me. “What do you want, Holland?”

“Can... can I come in?”

He pops open a new bottle of beer and takes a swig, but he hasn’t stopped staring at me. Then he steps aside for me to enter.

I walk into the room, and he closes the door behind me.

“Why did you leave?” I ask.

He lets out a harsh laugh. “Really? Because I was pissed. I’m still pissed.”

I walk to the center of the room and tuck a lock of hair behind my ear. “Yeah, I see that.”

He snorts derisively and gives me a sideways glance. “Your eyes are wide open now, then? Seeing clearly?”

“About Beckett? Yeah.”

“I told you before, I don’t like how he treats women. The day you went to his show, I saw him leaving Chaseton’s Bakery looking all pissed off. Apparently they kicked him out for being a total dick to some little old lady. She accidentally spilled her drink on the toe of his precious sneaker, and he started calling her names. Really bad shit.”

“Beckett?” I ask, stunned. “I’ve never even seen him lose his temper. Why didn't you tell me about this?”
