Page 37 of Saved (Surrender)

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He took her hand and led her through the hotel to a restaurant in the back that was dimly lit. They were led to a patio in the back where candles flickered and a fireplace produced enough heat to counter the gentle breeze blowing in from the bay.

Their table was in a corner, and he sat beside her, pressing in close, his hand resting on her thigh as she picked up the menu. The waiter came and she didn’t hear a word that was spoken, but soon they were brought a bottle of wine. Bass took a sip, nodded his approval, and the waiter poured for both of them.

“Are you ready to order?” the waiter pleasantly asked. Her head was buzzing and she was too fuzzy to read the menu.

“You pick,” she told Bass. He chuckled as he squeezed her thigh. She knew he was fully aware of how much he affected her. He liked it. She didn’t care how much power he had over her right now. It was all worth it. She’d be in his arms soon and he’d take her to heaven and back . . . hopefully multiple times.

There were other couples around them, leaning close to one another. A few businesspeople seemed to not notice any of it. This place was made for seduction. She wondered what the people were there for. She wanted to know if they were married, having an affair, or on a first date. She loved to hear other people’s stories. It amazed her that her own story was being told right now and the ending hadn’t yet been written.

“What is your biggest dream, Ella?” Bass asked.

“I don’t know that I have a dream,” she admitted.

“That makes me sad. We all have a dream,” he told her.

“I think it’s foolish to dream of a life you can’t have. We need to focus on the reality around us and do the best we can,” she said with a shrug. She didn’t want to break the magic of the moment, but she’d never been a dreamer, or she’d never allowed herself to be a dreamer.

“I think dreaming keeps us alive. I love my work and I love that it enables me to live this life, but at the end of the day, dreams are what make us into who we are. If we settle, we’ll never be fully happy,” he said.

“I don’t think too many people have regrets,” she said. “People simply accept the life they’ve been given. Theydecideto be happy with it.”

“If everyone simply accepted their life, they’d never invent things like the Internet. Dreamers must be in the world for us to move forward, otherwise we’d all be stagnant.”

She thought about that for a moment, really considered his words. “I guess that’s true,” she said. “It’s hard for me to be a dreamer. I’m too disappointed when my dreams don’t come true. Maybe that’s why I stopped when I was young.” She didn’t want to darken their conversation. She felt light and she wanted to keep it that way all night.

Food was delivered but she barely tasted it. She was sure it was phenomenal, but she only wanted to taste one thing . . . him.

“I think you’re more of a dreamer than you realize. Maybe I can wake that back up in you,” he said, not letting the subject drop.

“Maybe you can, but we aren’t going to be around each other for long, so you’d better hurry,” she said with a smile. She refused to let the thought make her sad. She wanted to enjoy her time, and not be focused on an uncertain future.

Bass looked at her for several heartbeats and she couldn’t read his thoughts. When he spoke, it nearly made her heart stop all together.

“I’ve lived a life of ease for a very long time. I’ve never searched for relationships. I’ve loved women coming in and out of my life . . . but it’s different with you. I don’t know why, and I don’t know what it means, but I think about you all of the time. You make me want . . . more.”

“I don’t want us to make promises to each other that we feel we have to keep. I just want to feel what I’m feeling right now with you beside me, with your hands on me. I want you to make me forget my past. I want to feel good,” she told him, begged him. She didn’t want to hope for more than one night with this man. If she did, she’d be broken forever.

“I won’t push you, Ella. We’ll take this a moment at a time. We can enjoy each other and still get to know each other. We don’t have to make promises. I only want you to know that you’re much more than someone to conquer,” he said.

They were interrupted by more food arriving, and it broke the tension between them. Ella let out a relieved breath. The rest of the meal was torture as he removed his hand so they could eat. They continued to chat but she had no idea what they said to each other, and she didn’t even enjoy what she assumed was an exquisite meal because her mouth was salivating at the thought of what was to come.

She was relieved when Bass finally stood and held his hand out to her. Finally, they were going back to their suite. She’d get to be in his arms with no clothes between them. She wouldn’t have regrets. She’d enjoy every single second of their night together. Maybe she’d get more, but maybe not. She wanted whatever this man was going to give to her . . . and she wanted it right then and there.

Ella trembled as they made their way back to the lobby elevator and stepped inside. She desperately wanted him to pull her into his arms and kiss her, but she feared if he did just that they would get arrested for putting on a porn show to the security guards monitoring the cameras in the hotel. She concentrated on deep breaths in and out as it seemed to take forever to reach their suite.

As soon as they entered the suite the sexual tension that had been building between them all day, heck, for two weeks, exploded. Bass pulled her into his arms before the door fully shut, then she was against the wall, his hard body pressing against hers, acknowledging how turned on he was. She desperately needed to see him naked and pressed against her.

His lips consumed her mouth as she clung to him, her tongue tangling with his as they each reached for the other, their hands grappling at the other’s body. A definite hot moment.

He wrenched his lips from hers and trailed his mouth down her neck, licking, nipping, and making her cry out in desire. “I want you, Bass,” she said, not recognizing her own voice. Her knees were shaking and she was afraid she was going to melt into a puddle on the floor.

“I need to slow down,” he replied as he leaned against her, his breathing heavy, his body hard and trembling. “I’ve wanted you for what’s felt like forever.” He stepped back and she reached for him, suddenly cold and alone. She moved toward him, with him backing away. Damn, she needed his touch, needed to feel him touching her everywhere, needed to touch all of his beautiful body.

She gazed at the man in front of her, awed that he was so out of control he had to make space between them to catch his breath.She’ddone this to him. She couldn’t comprehend it. Yes, she’d known men who wanted to be with her before, but she’d never seen someone so turned on they looked feral. It was the biggest turn on of her life.

She reached for him and he gave a slight smile as he stepped back. “One minute, Ella. I want this to amaze you. Give me one minute so this doesn’t end too quickly.”

She was shocked that this powerful man was begging her to slow down. Her head began spinning. She’d made him shake. His desire for her was so strong he could barely handle it. Any fear or doubts she’d had earlier disappeared in a funnel of smoke. This was going to be the best night of her life.
