Page 35 of Past & Present

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“She shouldn’t have to,” I growled, my irritation at their situation seeping through. “And she shouldn’t have to be paying the majority of bills and putting her own dreams on hold for you. If you leave her, I’ll—”

“There’s nothing on Earth that would make me abandon her like that. Not a man or anything else,” he snapped. But his expression softened and turned to guilt a moment later. “And I agree. It never should have turned out this way and I didn’t mean for it to. It’s just... we’ve had a rough go of it, you know? We did what we could to make it work and the time just slipped by.”

Though I was still mad as hell and wanting nothing but to defend her, I could relate to his plight more than I cared to admit. His seemingly genuine remorse also helped to ease my anger.

“I get it. I do. But it’s time you two reevaluate your life and make some changes.”

Jamie nodded and leaned back against the couch with a smile. “I agree. And honestly, a part of me thinks it all played out like this for a reason. And if you aren’t catching the hint—you are the reason I’m referring to.”

“What exactly are you trying to say?”

“I’m saying I know that isn’t your dick making your pocket bulge like that,” he said with a sly grin that weirdly made me think of Layla.

God help us all if they ever got into a room together.

I shifted back and attempted to adjust the ring box, but it only made his smile grow. My hackles raised defensively and I glared at him.

“So what?”

“So you’re totally going to propose to her. After a month.”

“Is that a fucking problem?”

“No, it’s a solution. I’ll move in with Gary and Juliet will move in with you. I can stop this cycle of endlessly relying on her and she can have the life she deserves.”

He was right. If she accepted my proposal—or at least the offer to move in with me—everything would change for the better for all of us. There was only one problem.

“What if...” I trailed off, looking away from his raised eyebrow. “What if she doesn’t want to live with me? Or marry me? What if she’s not ready?”

Jamie leaned forward and reached his hand out until it was in my line of vision. He snapped his fingers and I looked up, narrowing my eyes at his serious expression.

“I’d never betray her trust by repeating things she’s said to me in confidence,” he said slowly, waiting for me to nod in understanding. “But I have every reason to believe that she will say yes.”

“Did she say something?” I whispered in shock. “Was it this morning? What did she—”

“What’d I just say about things said in confidence?” he snapped.

“Listen here, you little punk—”

“Don’t you try to pull that shit with me, papa bear. I’m not afraid of you.”

Yep. Jamie was a male version of Layla. They were bound to meet at some point and the mere idea of that scared the shit out of me.

“What time does she get off work?”


I glanced down at my watch. Six hours to go. With a growl, I stood up and shook my head.

“Fuck that. I can’t wait that long.”

I was heading for the door before Jamie could even react, but when he did, it was only to yell encouragement at my retreating form. He even hopped up to wave at me as I ran to my car and hastily pulled away from the curb.

I’d gotten words of wisdom from the people closest to me and the man closest to Juliet. All I had to do now was say the two words that would finish this.

I just prayed Jamie was right.
