Page 34 of The Devil is a Dom

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That damn thing could slice me right open.

“Actually,” I said as I closed my laptop, “I think I will have a bite or two of food.”

“There’s a good girl.”

I shot him a look. “Call me that one more time and I’ll rip your dick off and shove it down your own fucking throat.”

He grinned. “I see I’ve hit a button. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“I’m not kidding,” I said as I sat my plate on top of my laptop, “call me that nickname again, and you’ll see just how little I give a shit about our agreement.”

“Even if it means your sister’s business?”

I nodded without hesitation. “Even if it means my sister’s business.”

His eyes locked with mine and I decided to put on a little show of my own. I stabbed at one of the crispy asparagus and held it up, biting the head off of it with my teeth. Dominik’s back straightened as I chewed slowly, humming and groaning as my eyes rolled into the back of my head.

“Oh, yeah,” I said breathlessly, “such good food. Garlic makes everything better.”

He cleared his throat. “Yes, it really does.”

I scooped a heaping fork full of potatoes and licked at it with my tongue. “So juicy. I need to know what these were whipped with.”

His stare practically burrowed a hole into the middle of my face. “Sour cream and butter.”

I gazed directly into his eyes as I opened my mouth and closed it around the massive lump of carbs. “Mmmmmm.”

“I know what you’re attempting to do, Miss Rochere.”

I pulled the fork out slowly between my lips. “What ever do you mean, Mr. Drake?”

He shifted in his seat, and it brought me so much fucking joy to see him squirm. “If you insist on opening this can of worms while on a plane, I can promise you that I’ll put on a show. Though, I can’t promise that you’ll enjoy it.”

I picked up another asparagus with my fork and wrapped my lips around it. I put it all the way to the back of my throat and slowly pulled it out, humming and moaning as I leaned back. I didn’t even try to hide it. I didn’t even try to be coy. I wanted to make him miserable, and if I had to fight with him every second of every day, then so be it.

“So good,” I whimpered.

He stood so quickly to his feet that his glass of champagne went crashing to the floor. “Stop.”

The stewardess rushed to clean up the mess as I tossed my fork back down to my plate along with the bland asparagus.

“You’re not the only one that can do research around here, you know. A quick Google search tells me everything I need to know about you. Your dating history. How you tank through women like you do cars. I bet you’re used to bribing women for sex. For paying out handsome sums of money just to get your dick wet.”

He took one lunging step toward me and wrapped his hand around my neck. “Any other accusations you’d like to sling my way, Miss Rochere?”

My eyes widened as I clamped my thighs together. “Did you really think that I wouldn’t find out about all of those other contracts floating around out there? I knew there was a reason why it was so easy for you to print off that NDA. I’m not the first woman you’ve trapped because you can’t get laid otherwise, am I?”

His grip tightened. “Are you finished?”

I gasped for air. “I really hope you don’t expect me to be a virgin, though. That seems to be your preference, and I promise you I’m a grown woman who knows what the hell I’m doing.”

And as his lips dipped down to my ear, the stewardess quickly made herself scarce.

Before his words shivered me to my core.

“Oh, I’m counting on it, Miss Rochere.”

He let go of my neck and I drew in a deep breath. I allowed my lungs to expand as he walked himself backwards and plopped into his seat. And as he picked up his fork, he started stabbing at his food like a petulant, frustrated toddler.

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