Page 2 of Bedroom King

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She gave me an obligatory nod and smile before Jason’s father spoke again.

“Well, that’s wonderful, dear. There’s always a place for you at Frost Technology once you graduate so you can put that degree to good use.”

I shifted in my seat before discussing my plans post-graduation. “Actually, I was thinking about traveling overseas next summer.”

You could have heard a pin drop on the gaudy, overpriced plates at the table.

Jason squeezed my hand a little too hard from underneath the table.

“Baby, you didn’t tell me about traveling overseas. What country?”

“France, Italy, and Greece,” I blurted out matter-of-factly. “There’s a travel group on campus that I’ve wanted to join, but between being the Vice President of Rho Alpha Xi, volunteering, and Vice President of Student Life in our student union, I haven’t had time.”

The color in all their faces drained as they remained silent.

“Anyway, there’s room for a few more people on their trip next summer, and I want to go.”

Jason’s eyes practically burned two holes into the side of my face, but I didn’t care. We would find a way to work things out. It was my parents that I was worried about.

My father folded his hands on the table and glared at me from over the top of his thick glasses.

“How come this is the first time you’re telling us, Isabella?”

“I only made up my mind this morning. I’m putting in my application first thing tomorrow.”

Jason’s mother guzzled the rest of her drink, her wide eyes looking down as my father continued.

“Look, dear, your mother and I want what’s best for you, but there’ll be plenty of time to travel once you’re, well….” He shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he looked over at Jason, who remained silent with a firm grip on my hand.

“Once I’m what, Dad? Married?”

I looked to Jason’s father for some help. Even though his son was pretentious and his wife was a bitch, Mr. Frost had always been like a second father to me. He knew how to be the middleman when there was tension amongst our families.

But above all else, he knew better than to step on my father’s toes.

“Isabella, I’m all for exploring the world. Especially when you’re younger. But traveling alone can be dangerous for a woman.”

My mother nodded in agreement before finishing her drink. As the server approached once more, she smirked at him. He stood tall, dressed in all black. Objectionably, he was handsome but far too young for my mother, but she flirted anyways as he filled her drink back up.

I turned back to Jason’s father. “But I won’t be alone, Mr. Frost. That’s the point of the club.”

My father’s eyes penetrated into my soul.

“Legally, I can’t tell you what to do, young lady, but I’m sure you know where I stand on the issue.”

“Dad, if you…”

He held up his hands and turned his attention back to Jason, knowing exactly where to steer the conversation.

“Let’s discuss this another time, Isabella. Now Jason, aside from joining your father’s company next spring, what else is on the horizon?”

Jason smiled and relaxed his grip on my hand, satisfied that both he and my father were in complete control of my life.

“Well, sir, I have my eyes on a prime piece of real estate back in Westfield.”

Tears formed in my mother’s eyes as she downed the rest of her drink, staring at my boyfriend a bit too adoringly with the same energy a doting mother bestows upon her own child. The same kind of look she’s never passed my direction.

“Oh, that’s wonderful, Jason! I’m so happy that you and Isabella will be living close to us.”

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