Page 68 of Bedroom King

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Tears broke free, rolling down the contours of my face, faster than I could wipe them away with the napkin. “I love you too, Blade!”

He chuckled before each of us got out of the booth and caressed each other. His hands were strong on my back, holding me in place. It was the comfort I had needed. “Now, let’s get you out of that waitressing uniform. Your feet must be sore.”

“What are you talking about?”

He brushed the locks of hair that had fallen into my eyes. “You don’t have to work here anymore. If you come back as my tutor, then I’ll make sure your tuition is paid for and that you’ll never want for anything. Food, clothing, haircuts-whatever you need.”

I finally had the man of my dreams. A man that took care of me and that let me take care of him. A man that could admit when he was wrong and actually be sorry. A man that had the freedom to screw up, but chose to make things right.

But I needed this job for myself. “That’s sweet of you to offer, but it’s time that I work for a living. Although, I would love to still be your tutor.”

He pulled back and searched my eyes. “Are you sure? I mean, you have a full course load yourself. How will you find time to do everything?”

I kissed him, moaning as his sweet, tender lips met mine. “I always make time for what’s important.”

He grabbed me by the cheeks. “Does that mean you’re my girlfriend again?”

“Yes,” I said, dabbing away at my tears. “I’ll be your girlfriend again.”

Blade wrapped my legs around his waist and carried me over to the booth, setting me down as he slid off my pants. The blinds were shut in the dining room, but the door was unlocked.

I quickly pulled them back up, even though I wanted nothing more than to be fucked right there on the spot. “I can’t do this back here.”

No sooner had I pulled my pants up than Emily walked into the dining room, gasping as she saw me readjusting my apron. “Isabella Dayton!”

“No, it’s not what you think,” I stumbled over my own words, knowing we had almost been caught.

She took one look at Blade, though, and immediately knew what had happened. “Bullshit. You got fifteen minutes left on your break.”

Emily rolled her eyes before shutting the door.

I grabbed Blade’s hand and led him out of the restaurant, where he took over and led us to his car. The windows on his car were dark enough to keep everything inside a secret, which was a welcome relief. With the windows rolled up, nobody could snap a picture of what was about to go down inside.

Once inside, I kissed the side of his cheek as he pulled his hard cock out from his sweatpants. He leaned back in the seat. It was the same exact way we’d first hooked up in earlier in the semester. Instead of the parking lot of a park, we were about to fuck in the parking lot of my place of work.

I spit on my hand to wet it and then began to stroke him slowly, taking great pleasure in the way his chest heaved with each thrust of my hand over his cock. He reached for my hair and attempted to pull me down to wrap my mouth around him, but I had other plans. I slid free from my pants and climbed onto his lap. He pushed his head forward, lapping his tongue over the side of my neck as I reached down and guided him inside me.

I gasped as I lowered myself over him until he was buried to the hilt. With one firm hand, I pushed him backwards, forcing the headrest to shift. I seemed to tower over him, as if I was in control. That’s exactly where I needed to be, where I craved to be. I dropped my lips against his, breathing hot fire against him, and could feel the racing of his heart from underneath his chest.

And then I began to move, shifting my body against his, feeling the girth of his cock as I drove us both towards ecstasy. I wanted to take my time, to slowly ride him for hours until he spent himself inside of me, but I knew that I needed to be back inside shortly.

Blade might have been known at Exley as The Bedroom King, but he was all mine as of that moment forward. And I was going to make the best of the ten minutes I had with him.

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