Page 33 of Vicious Fall

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I knew that Giovanni had been far too nice to me lately, so I was expecting for him to switch at some point. He has a pattern of it after all. Being horrible and then being almost friendly. Being not so horrible to me before threatening to end my life.

But this?

Him revealing that he did order Vito to kill my murder after putting a gun to my head.

I didn’t have it on my bingo card.

The grip he has on my neck flexes, his fingers moving across my skin in a smooth rhythm. If we were under different circumstances, it would almost feel comforting.

I’ll make sure you remain safe, just remember that.

Having a gun at my temple doesn’t feel even close to safe, something the Costa family don’t seem to understand.

My eyes move to Dox who’s standing eerily still. His companion has his hand on his gun at his hip but he doesn’t pull it.

“Seems we’re at an impasse here, Dox,” Giovanni drawls, very much still in control. That mellow, baseline voice of his that he has perfected giving nothing away. “So here’s what’s going to happen, we’re going to walk out of here, or else I’m going to blow your daughter’s brains all over this room.”

Sick isn’t the proper word for how I feel. My knees are shaky, my heart beat wild, and sweat is moving down my temple beneath the gun.

Dox doesn’t give a shit about me, that much is clear. So Giovanni using my death as a threat doesn’t make a lick of sense.

Until Dox lowers his hand, gesturing for his companion to relax, which he does. Dox leans even heavier on his walking stick, shaking his head. “So this is how it begins, Costa?”

I can feel Giovanni jerking his head in a nod against the top of my head. The gun presses further into my temple, “This is how it begins,” he says before pulling me backwards as he backs up.

I hear the door open and then he’s pulling me roughly through it. For a moment I don’t think he’s going to lower the gun, but then he’s pulling me in a rush, muttering, “Come on.”

I don’t have time to try to decipher what the fuck just happened as he continues to pull me and it’s like my body is on autopilot as I allow it to happen. That’s the only reason I go with the monster, right?

The monster who just admitted he ordered my mother to be killed.

He shoves me into the passenger side, my body trembling. When he climbs into the driver's side he doesn’t waste time, cranking the car and slamming on the gas.

Silence sits between us as I rock slightly, not knowing what’s going on.

I can see Giovanni’s hands tighten on the wheel out of the corner of my eyes but otherwise I don’t look at him. Not the entire way to the compound and not when he stops the car and comes around to my door, opening it.

Half in shock, I mutely follow him up the stairs and into the house where everyone is already waiting in the foyer. Lucia, Vito, Maximo, and Enzo all look on, clearly waiting to hear details.

But still, I don’t say anything and neither does Giovanni.

Lucia frowns, looking between us. “What happened?” she asks.

And it’s like someone hits the play button as I finally feel aware again. I blink, looking at Giovanni, my jaw clenching and my fist balling. “He held a gun to my head,” I say flatly.

“Who?” Maximo asks and I can hear the edge in his voice. “Dox? I’ll blow his fucking head off-”

“No,” I say before lifting a finger and pointing at Giovanni. “Giovanni. He held a gun to my head.”

They’re shocked, all four of them, I read it in their facial expressions. But they shouldn’t be, this is the same man who left me to drown, knowing I couldn’t swim. Who was already so fucking casual about ending my life.

“What?” Vito asks, his brows pressing together.

The motion makes me think of what got the entire thing kicked off and it's like my rage consumes me all at once as I go flying at Giovanni.

Fuck the motherfucking consequences.

I don’t know if he isn’t expecting the hit or if he underestimates my strength, but I send him to the ground, landing on top of him. My thighs straddle his waist and I don’t hesitate, grabbing his gun from where he keeps it holstered at his hip.
