Page 63 of Coming Home

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“He’s spent the last six months working out at night just to get them.” Mom giggles.

“I still have the best ass on Mulberry Lane,” Blake grumbles under his breath.

“Uhh, I wouldn’t be so sure of that.” Mom winces and immediately slaps a hand over her mouth.

“What did you just say?” Blake narrows his eyes and takes a step towards her.

“Absolutely nothing! Oh, look, I think dinner is ready. Let me get it out of the oven so we can eat.” She tries to take the oven mitts from him, but he doesn’t allow it.

Instead, he tries to grab her around the waist, but she’s too quick for him. She darts out of his reach and because Blake can't accept failure, this turns into a game of tag as they race around the room.

“Blake! Stop it!” Mom squeals when he reaches for her again and this time, he tosses her over his shoulder.

“Tell me who has a nicer ass than me!”

“Wyatt!” She’s laughing so hard she can barely get hisname out.

Blake pauses mid step and glares over at Wyatt. Of course, he turns around and shakes his butt, trying to piss off his dad. We all chuckle as Blake studies Wyatt’s butt, trying to decide who’s is better.

“I'm not saying I agree or disagree with Addi’s statement, but Wyatt’s definitely been putting in the time. I’ll allow it.” He slowly lowers Mom to the floor, making sure she’s steady on her feet before he completely let’s go of her.

Kennedy and Mom move around the kitchen, getting dinner on the table. I don’t know where Jax, Cody, Sophia, Nikita, Payton, or Creed are, but it’s nice to have it just be the six of us. It’s so rare to get quality alone time with the people in my family.

“Blake, we’re a go on that new project,” Dad says cryptically as soon as we say prayers and begin serving ourselves.

“What new project?” I narrow my eyes at him. Normally, he loves talking about the things Kasey Construction is working on and he wants to share any piece of news he has.

“Oh, we wouldn’t want to bore you with work stuff.” Blake waves me off. “But that’s great. I'm really excited. I think it will be amazing in the end.”

“Excuse me! Do you really expect me to believe you don’t want tobore mewith work talk? I know more than any other woman in their twenties about construction. I could give detailed instructions on how to install a window and all the ways Titan’s done it wrong over the years. I’m fairly certain if you gave me the supplies,I could hang drywall all by myself, then tape and mud it without any help and it would turn out pretty good. So, please don’t try to act like you’ve ever taken my interests into consideration before you’ve opened your mouth at this dinner table over the years.” I roll my eyes and angrily plop some mashed potatoes onto my plate. I hate when they treat me like a little kid and try to keep things from me.

“Damn, retract those claws, kitten.” Blake holds up his hands.

“We’re building more houses on Mulberry Lane.” Dad stares right at me, waiting to see my reaction to this news.

“What? Where? Who’s going to live in them? When is this happening? And why was this all of a sudden planned? I’ve heard you talk about it before, but I didn’t think you’d actually do it.” I drop my fork onto the table and stare at him.

“That’s a lot of questions at once, princess.” Blake chuckles.

“We’ll build them on the outer circle. I’d like to start soon, but I think we’ll start with one house first, then slowly build the rest. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, Charlie. I just had to be patient and wait for the right time to make it happen,” Dad says softly.

“But who’s going to live in them? Who gets the first house?” I fold my arms over my chest. It’s always been my dream to live on Mulberry Lane as an adult, but there’s no space. There was never a free house and I know there never will be.

“You, baby girl. I want to build a home for you.”

“But you didn’t even talk to me about it! Why would you start when we didn’t discuss it? How is operation build more houses on Mulberry Lane a thing if you didn’t discuss it with the people who would live there?” I stare at him like he’s crazy.

“He talked to me.” Wyatt tugs my hand free and intertwines our fingers.

“What does that have to do with-” I pause mid-sentence and stare at Wyatt. There’s no way.

“There she is! She finally put the pieces of the puzzle together.” Blake claps his hands.

“I kinda wanted to wait to do this until my knee healed…” Wyatt trails off and releases my hand from his. He slips it inside his pocket and pulls out a small black box.

“What’s that?” I ask slowly.

“Charlie Robinson, I’ve loved you since the day we met and you told me I was your new best friend. Never once have I considered a future with any other woman. I knew no one could compare to you. Our time apart has just proven to me that I want forever with you. Will you marry me, babe?”
