Page 217 of Avenging Angel

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“What’s going on?” I asked.

Lee looked at me, and if his intensity was a lot when he was ordering other people around, having it aimed at me was knee-weakening at the same time it was awe-inspiring.

He, too, tapped Cyrus Gibbons’ picture, but he did it harder than me.

“Thirteen years ago, my sister, who’s also a PI, and my team took this guy down. I warned him, when he got out of prison, to get out of my town. Apparently, he listened. Also apparently, his time in the joint didn’t teach him any lessons. I told him he didn’t want to see me again. He’s gonna see me again. And this time when he goes down, he’s not gonna get back up.”

He meant this.

Maybe literally.




* * *

They gaveLuna and I bulletproof vests.

They didn’t really fit great in the boob area, and I wasn’t a fan of why I might have to wear one, but I’d never thought I’d try on a bulletproof vest. I was deciding to regard it as a wardrobe adventure, like when I’d tried skinny jeans. They weren’t comfortable, and they looked shit on me, but at least I gave them a go.

There had been a lot of activity in the twenty minutes we were in Mace’s office. Lots of phone calls. Eric sat down behind Mace’s desk with a laptop. Vance, with Knox and Gabe, going back and forth to somewhere in the offices and returning with stuff like our vests, but also utility belts, guns, extra clips and little canisters with pins on top that were either smoke bombs, tear gas or grenades.

Luna and I exchanged glances at all this too, so much, it was a wonder we didn’t get dizzy with it.

We stayed out of the way, though, and watched it all closely.

One thing you could say, this crew knew how to work as a team. After the preliminary commands Lee issued, they just got on with it, everyone understanding the role they played, and they played it.

And Cap was all kinds ofhawtin work mode.

Not to mention in his vest and gun belt.

I didn’t think I was that girl.

But Cap was that guy, and he was mine, so I was now that girl.

In other words, after they rescued the women (hopefully), I was fucking him so hard, he was going to think he was beamed to an alternate universe populated by sexbots that existed solely for a man’s pleasure.

We rolled out in another convoy that had more vehicles, but our convoy didn’t stay a convoy.

SUVs started peeling off.

I didn’t know why and I didn’t ask. Tex was driving and being quiet for once, so I decided he should set the mood.

We followed the two vehicles in front of us, one driven by Mace, Cap at his side, Knox in the back, one driven by Eric, Liam at his side.

Lee, Gabe and Vance were the ones who peeled off and went somewhere else.

We entered the alley I knew ran behind The Pink Slip, and they cut their headlights in a synchronization that was uncanny, Tex doing it at the same time, and he didn’t even get a text or a command on the walkie-talkie they’d given him.

Tex slowed to a stop a building away from where the men went.

But we sat and watched as the vehicles in front of us also rolled to a stop, rather than actually stopping, in other words, no brake lights.

Then doors opened and men moved out, jogging back to the building that was situated between the one they’d stopped behind and ours.
