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I look at my mom. “Are you coming?”

She shifts on her feet, still unnerved by Gunner, and shakes her head. “No. I want to get back to the house while Dennis is gone and pack my things.”

Gunner scoffs. “You don’t have to worry about him returning to that house, trust me. You can take your time gathering your belongings.” His eyes meet mine, and for the first time since he burst into Luca’s office, they soften. He keeps his gaze on me as he addresses my mother. “You’ll be safe enough there for tonight. Mila and I will come by in the morning and help you pack your things and move out.”

My mom smiles at him in gratitude before reaching out to hug me. It’s a bit awkward as Gunner refuses to let go of my hand so I can hug her back. “Be safe,” she whispers in my ear. “I’ll see you in the morning. I love you.”

“I love you too,” I tell her. “You don’t have to worry about me. Gunner will protect me.”

She nods against my shoulder before releasing me and turning to go to her car. I watch her go for a minute before looking at Gunner. I step in close to him and run my hands up his torso, suddenly turned on by this beast of a man.

“So, it’s over now? You won the fight and everyone knows that I’m yours?”

His eyes blaze with desire as he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into him, pressing his thick arousal against my stomach. “Yeah, baby. It’s over. You’re mine.” He reaches lower to bunch the fabric of my nightgown against my hip. “But don’t think I have forgotten about this,” he warns as he runs his hands up my thighs and under my nightgown, squeezing my ass firmly. “When we get home, I’m spanking this ass until you’ve learned a little self-preservation.”

“Yes, please,” I breathe, blinking up at him innocently, but that seems to get him more fired up as a shudder rolls through his brawny frame.

“Remember that fantasy I told you about at the library?” he asks with a self-satisfied smile on his lips. “The one where I bend you over my car and fuck you for everyone to see, so they all know you’re mine?” As he speaks, he presses me back against his car, making his intentions clear.

“Here?” I ask panicked. There are at least thirty cars in this parking lot, and any time now, people will flood out of the factory and flock to this place. Gunner must be insane to evenentertain this, but he proves he means his words as he flips me around. My palms slap the hood of his car as he leans in and presses his erection against my ass.

“Right here,” he whispers, his mouth pressed against my ear, which only sends liquid heat spreading to my sex despite my protest. “I’m fucking you right here, against my car where anyone could walk by and watch me claim my woman.”

“Gunner . . .” I whimper when I hear him drop to his knees behind me. I gasp when he trails his whiskered jaw up my thigh, licking a path up to my clothed sex.

“Mine,” he growls as he grabs my panties and yanks them down my thighs before tearing them off completely. He then shoves my knees apart, leaving me more exposed. “Been craving your taste, pixie. All I could think about was getting back to you. I’ve never been so distracted during a fight.”

I bite back a scream when he sweeps his tongue over my arousal, licking hungrily at my sex. My knees nearly buckle as he grinds his face against my folds, bathing my sex in long licks as if he’s rewarding me and not the other way around. I whimper as he runs his calloused hands over my thighs to hold me up and drives me wild with his tongue, but it’s nothing compared to the pleasure that shoots up my body when his mouth finds my clit. He groans deeply as he presses his lips around my sensitive nub, applying light suction that sends a cry tearing through my lips.

Oh God!

Anyone could walk by, and they would see Gunner kneeling behind me shamelessly pleasuring my body.

I cry out when he thrusts his middle finger into me even as his tongue bathes my sex in long hungry strokes. Gunner twists his thick digit in circles pushing me closer and closer to the edge. Islap a hand on my mouth to curb a sob and the other on the hood of the car as pleasure ripples through me in unending waves.

“Please!” I pant, riding Gunner’s face as he drags out my orgasm until I am weak in the knees. I’m still shaking when he gets to his feet a second before we catch the sound of men making their way to the parking lot.

My face is flushed and my body still shaking from the orgasm. “I’m not done with you yet,” he whispers, hugging me close as people pass us and walk to their cars, their excitement from tonight’s fights their topic of conversation.

“Gunner,” I whisper dazedly.

“Let’s get you home, pixie,” he says, walking me to the passenger door. “I need more time to claim you. I’m only getting started.”

I moan as a fresh wave of desire overtakes me. I can tell it’s going to be a long night.

And I can’t wait.



Four Years Later

I never had my life mapped out like most people. Not when I was fifteen and was kicked out of my foster home. Not when I turned eighteen and got into a fight that almost landed me in jail or at twenty when I met Matt Ridge, who was the first person ever to see potential in me.

It was not until at thirty-four when I met the love of my life that I started thinking ahead, and suddenly, my life did not revolve around home, the gym, and the grocery store any more. When I met Mila, my life found a purpose, and I started thinking about tomorrow, and when our daughter came along, I didn’t just think about tomorrow . . . I started thinking about five, ten, and even twenty years to come.

I started thinking of our little Natalie in college and even created a college fund for her when she was only a toddler. I finally understood why Matt was so obsessed with saving up for his kid’s future when he didn’t even know what it would look like.
