Page 87 of The Underdog

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I bite down on my lower lip in annoyance as now the whole table erupts into the faintest of laughter—my parents included.

Each of their mocking gazes and pitiful looks is enough to light a fire out from under me as I straighten my spine and furrow my brows.

“I’ll have you all know that there is something I’m grateful for! Something that none of you would probably ever understand.”

“Oh yeah? And what’s that?”

I narrow my stare—realizing that Dad’s the one who threw the comment back in my direction.

It unsettles me for a moment until I find my confidence again. “That I’m the new owner of?—”

A loud knock comes through the door. One that causes everyone's attention to shift away from me and in the direction of the entrance.

“Are we expecting someone else?” Mom speaks up, a look of confusion washed all over her face.

Dad shakes his head in response, pursuing his lips before he gestures to one of the serving staff. “See who it is, will ya?” He demands impatiently.

My eyes follow the man as he exits the dining room and makes his way over to the entrance until he’s out of sight.

“Go on, Delaney,” Dad instructs. “Please, tell us all what we wouldn’t understand.”

The abrupt halt in conversation completely diminishes my confidence, as now, I start to toy with my hands in front of me, regretting my outburst to begin with.

This was a bad idea.

Time for some damage control.

“What I was trying to say was?—”

“Delaney!” An erratic voice commands my attention as I shift my head in the direction it came from.




“Warren!”My mom claps her hands excitedly as I stand frozen in shock. “What are you doing here?” She asks the question I'm dying to know the answer to myself.

What is he doing here?

“Delaney?” I can feel Dad’s burning gaze in my direction, considering I can hardly break my eyes away from the scene in front of me. “We didn’t know Warren was going to be joining us.”

I’m speechless.

Neither did I.

Warren is here.

He’s standing in front of me.

Our eyes are locked as one, and suddenly, I can’t breathe.

I have to literally pinch myself to make sure this isn’t another one of the aching dreams I’ve been having since the night he drove away.

“Well, don’t just stand there.” Dad gestures towards the table, glancing at my diverting gaze through his peripheral vision. “Take a seat.”

Warren clears his throat ever so slightly, the faint bags under his eyes telling me he’s been awake for far too long on a flight I had no idea he was taking.
