Page 57 of Puck Buddies

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I stood up stiffly. “I can drive myself.”

Leon winced. “Actually, you can’t. I hate to pile on more bad news, but you’ve got a flat.”

It hurt that my first thought was I’d get Izzy to change it. Not because I couldn’t do it myself, but because she loved messing around in the garage. She was always out there fixing her car, doing stuff to it to make it drive better. It helped her destress, she said, working with her hands. I missed that about her, and a million other things. All the little qualities that made her who she was.

“Ten minutes,” I said. “I’ll just grab that shower.”

I showered fast, and we piled into Leon’s work van. It always smelled good in there, like savory pastries. I took a deep whiff of it and tried to stay calm. I couldn’t go losing it like I’d done before, when Izzy came to me saying we needed to talk. I’d jumped to conclusions and got my back up. Gone on the offensive for no reason at all. This time, I’d fight for her instead of against her. I’d show her my heart, and maybe?—

“Which way?” Leon slowed for a stoplight. I checked my phone.

“Map says go right. It should be around here.”

The light turned green again and Leon swung right. I squinted to check the numbers on the buildings rolling by.

“It’s one of these buildings. I think it’s that white one.” I pointed a block up and Leon frowned.

“That’s her building.”


“My girlfriend’s. Delores. I’m meeting her, remember?”

I’d forgotten all about her, caught up in Izzy. Now he reminded me, a weird notion struck me. “Does Delores ever go by a nickname, like Lola?”

Leon pulled a face. “Sometimes, at work. But she hates that name. People come up to her and sing Copacabana.”

“Izzy’s work friend’s called Lola. The one she’s staying with.”

Leon pulled up outside Lola’s building. He peered up at the windows. “Delores is in suite three-oh-four.”

I laughed out loud. “So’s Lola.”

“So, they’re the same person, my Delores. Her Lola.” He smacked himself in the head. “How did none of us catch that?”

“You were in a love haze.”

“And so were you two.” Leon pulled off his seat belt. “You getting out?”

I was in no way prepared for this, but I guessed I might never be. Sometimes, the only thing to do was jump in. I got out of the van and we headed upstairs. Halfway up, I stopped walking and glanced over at Leon.

“You know what I just realized?”

He frowned at me. “What?”

“The night you met Delores was the night me and Izzy hooked up. You stood me up for her and I went home to Izzy. If you hadn’t done that, none of this would’ve happened.”

“You’re welcome,” said Leon, and he kept walking. I plodded up after him, but my stomach was churning. Leon seemed convinced this would go well, that me and Izzy were a good thing, and she’d forgive me. But he hadn’t seen her face when she walked away. She hadn’t even said goodbye to me, just turned and left.

Leon reached the door first, and he knocked loudly.

The speech I’d been preparing flew out of my head.



Lola was still messing around with her hair, trying to get it to fall just right. I was folding up the sofa bed so her man wouldn’t trip over it. I’d hoped doing something would keep my mind off Spencer, but everything led back to him one way or another. Lola's throw pillows were orange and green, the Ice Bears’ team colors. I tossed them away. She put on some music and hummed along, and I thought about Spencer doing the same. He always hummed or sang when there was music.
