Page 87 of Beyond Expectations

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My body froze. I couldn’t quite believe what I was hearing.

“Your mother has really turned to me recently. I’ve been her shoulder to cry on. We both don’t want to see you make a fool of yourself. Especially now that you’re the owner of Chambers Industries, it’s time you think about settling down. And we both know you’ll never be able to do that with her.”

“And what makes you so sure of that?”

I looked down at the counter, my fists clenched so tightly my knuckles turned white.

“You know what we’re talking about. She doesn’t fit in. She never will. Besides what she looks like, she is of lower class to us, and she’ll never understand how things should be done. Gosh, can’t you see it? Suppose you invited her to a family luncheon. In that case, she’d expect fried chicken and talk about her family, who are probably felons, or hammer on about BLM and make others feel uncomfortable. Surely, you’re not too blind to see she’s only after you for your money? Have you ever done a proper background check on her? For all you know, her credentials could be faked, and it’s all a big trap to get herself pregnant and entrap you. Rhett, you must understand, I’m telling you all this because I care. Because I love you. We all love you. We don’t want to see your name get dragged through the mud, you’ve worked so hard. The last thing we would want to happen is for this gold-digging whore to tear you down, and rip apart all the arduous work you and your family have done in building up the Chambers name. If your father were here, you know he would want the best for you.”

I threw my bottle of beer against the wall. The sounds of the smash made her jump. I had never been so angry in my entire life.

I heard a gasp and a sob. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Instinctively, I spun around and saw Serena walk around the corner. She had tears streaming down her face. How long had she been standing there? She must have heard everything.

“Serena.” I cried out, running over to her.

As I tried to embrace her, I could feel her whole body shaking.

“Serena, Serena.”

I tried to calm her, but it was of no use. What Verity had said was beyond despicable. I wrapped my arms around her to keep a hold on her, as I wasn’t sure she had the strength to stand. Turning only my head, I looked straight into Verity’s eyes.

“You are a jealous, vindictive, psychopathic racist. Serena is worth more than a million of you. You’re not even worthy of saying her name. I have never met someone as disturbed and pathetic as you. I would pick a lifetime of Serena hating me, over spending just an hour alone with you any day. You have used my mother’s fragile, mourning state to push your own agenda. Do you think I would ever lower myself to such an extent and be with you? You make me physically sick. It disgusts me that you try to class yourself in the same circles as me. You are a conniving, intolerant, narrow-minded, opinionated, prejudiced bitch and I want you to leave now. If you ever come near me or try to repeat a bad word about Serena, I promise I will make you and your family’s lives a living hell. I’ve had people investigate you, I know every hidden skeleton and dirty scandal. Your name will become a joke told at parties. Your friends will disown you. Society will shut you out, and you’ll just have your washed-up self to keep you company. Now get out of here!”

I could see the shock on Verity’s face. I watched as she quickly made her way out of the apartment. I sat Serena on the couch and then closed the front door, locking it and sliding the chain into place.

Sitting beside her, I held her hand and tried to help her calm down. Her breathing began to slow down. As her body stopped shaking, I could still feel mine vibrating with anger.

“I’m so sorry you had to hear that. I promise she will never speak of or to you again.”

She stared out into the distance. I needed her to know that not a single part of me felt there was any substance to Verity’s attack. As that was what it was.

“You must know, that’s not what I believe. She doesn’t speak for me or my family. I don’t agree with anything she said.” I paused, hoping my words would register. “Please speak to me. This is killing me.”

Looking into her eyes, I waited. After what felt like an eternity, she turned, and all I could see in her eyes was pain.

“I shouldn’t have come here.”

“No, please. Wait. Talk to me. What made you come here?”

“I wanted to see you. I hated what happened last night. Especially as it was the eve of the funeral. I wanted to make sure you were okay. I knew today was going to be difficult. And with what happened last night, it was probably worse. But I had to come and see you, even if you didn’t want to see me.”

“I always want to see you. Especially after today. I wish you didn’t have to hear the disgusting shit that came out of her twisted mouth.”

I wiped away a tear that fell down her cheek.

“All of today, I couldn’t stop thinking about you and your family. I kept wishing there was something I could do or say that would have made things better. But I knew there wasn’t. I couldn’t concentrate at work. Once I got home, I was restless. I got changed and came straight here. As I got to your building, the doorman was outside having a cigarette. He called me over, and we began talking. He used to work part-time at the door of my building a year or so ago. We made small talk, and I explained that today was your father’s funeral, and I was coming to check that you were okay. He said it was fine for me to go straight up, so I did.”

She stopped and took a deep breath. Then it suddenly hit me, I remember Verity saying she’d seen the doorman talking to someone outside. She must have realized it was Serena. She was probably expecting her to come up and that’s why the door was still open behind her when I first found her. How twisted was she?

“As I took the elevator up, I had a million things running through my head. I wasn’t sure how you’d be or if you’d even want to see me. Your door was open, so I let myself in. I heard two voices and froze. Suddenly, I thought, what the fuck have I done? I shouldn’t be here. Then I heard my name. I froze. I couldn’t move. I knew I shouldn’t be here, listening, but I couldn’t leave. I wish I had.”

She hung her head in her hands. I needed her to know how I felt.

“Please tell me you understand I don’t agree with a word she said?” I begged.

“I know.”

Relief flooded through me.
