Page 135 of The Summer of Wild

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"Did you, uh, think about him when we were together?"

I shake my head. "I thought about strangling him but other than that, no, not really."

"I don't know how to do this."

"Do what?"

"Be friends with Wilder and hang out with you. I still have all these feelings for you. Feelings that aren't going away, even though I'm pissed at you."

"Maybe we just take it one day at a time," I suggest.

"Guess I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

"You want to jump out of the tree?" I stand, changing the subject. We're here to have fun; not dwell on everything that's happened.

Cash glances at the tree branch over the creek. "Looks unsafe."

"It's not," I assure him. "Come on."

I motion to Wilder, and he wades out of the water. "What's up?"

"We're going to jump out of the tree," I inform him. "I'll go first."

"Ingrid," Cash puts out a hand to stop me.

"I'm fine, Cash," I smile. "I'll be fine."

I climb the tree with Wilder right behind me. Cash stays back, watching apprehensively.

The moment I'm standing on the sturdy branch above the water, Cash starts climbing up.

"You going to be okay?" Wilder mutters only loud enough for me to hear.

"I'm safe with you, right?" I hold out a hand and he grabs it.

"Always," Wilder squeezes my fingers.

I jump off the branch, letting out a shrill scream before the cold water covers my head. When I resurface, I see Cash crouched on the branch next to Wilder.

"See?" I yell. "It's fine!"

Wilder jumps next and swims over to me. We both peer up at Cash, who is staring down at the water. He doesn't look like he wants to jump, but he does anyway. He sinks right into the water as I shoot Wilder a triumphant grin.

As soon as Cash's head pops up, Wilder and I whoop and holler.

Cash floats in front of us, a big smile on his face. "That was fun."

"Told you," I sing.

"Wanna do it again?" Wilder asks us.

I watch Cash and Wilder race to the shore, knowing I'm stuck with them for life.

Cash and I have never been friends, but I think we'll figure it out. We have to.

Then, there's Wilder.

Wilder Cox has been—and always will be—the third wheel in my relationship with Cash Allred.
