Page 38 of The Summer of Wild

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And then, as if on cue, the door chimes again and a familiar form saunters in. Clementine Church in the flesh. As if this day could get any better.

She gives Fanny a sinister smile.

Oh, this is going to be good.

"Fanny," Clementine greets Cash's mom as straight, black hair cascades over her shoulder. "How good to see you."

Fanny's jaw tenses as Clementine gives her air kisses on each cheek.

"You, too, Clementine," Fanny fakes a smile before hurrying over to a chair and hiding behind the clipboard.

"How can I help you?" I say to Clementine.

"I need an emergency wax," she states quietly. "I have a big date tonight. Is Loretta in?"

"No," I shake my head. "But Pierre is here. I think we can squeeze you in at 1:30."

Clementine tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, distracting me with her beauty. The woman is ethereal. Black hair like silk. Blue eyes like sapphires. Smooth, luxurious skin. I get why Mr. Allred is attracted to her, and why Fanny loathes her.

"I'd much rather see Loretta."

"I can get you in at four," I flip through the schedule. "You just need your usual?"

She leans in. "Hollywood wax. The whole shebang."

Wow. Didn't see that one coming. No wonder she wants Loretta. I wouldn't want Pierre waxing my anus either.

"Got you penciled in," I smile as I hand her an appointment card. "See you soon."

As Clementine heads to the door, she stops suddenly and makes a beeline for Fanny.

"I heard Cash is in Europe for the summer," Clementine's voice drips with honey. Ooh, she likes to play with fire. And I'm here for it.

"Yes," Fanny forces out as she finishes filling out the intake form. "Backpacking before college."

"I'm so jealous," Clementine dramatically touches her cheek. "Before Coy died, he always said he'd take me to Paris."

"Did the coroner ever figure out what killed a perfectly healthy 34-year-old man?" Fanny narrows her eyes.

"Came back inconclusive," Clementine responds.

"Interesting," Fanny nods slowly, her blond, curly hair hovering over one side of her face. "I'm sorry it happened so soon after you married."

"It's been hard."

"Has it?" Fanny frowns. "You didn't waste any time buying a new car, and furnishing your house before the ink was dry on the death certificate. The grass hadn't even started growing back on the lawn where he used to park his car before you were out dating again. With that fortune you inherited, I can't imagine why it's been so hard. Someone might even think his death was... intentional."

Woah. Did Fanny just accuse Clementine of murdering her husband?

"We both know money doesn't buy happiness," Clementine holds her head up.

"No," Fanny shakes her head, exposing her icy blue eyes. "But money can buy loyalty. And this town is loyal to me."

"Is it now?" Clementine taunts Fanny. "I don't think everyone is." Uh oh. This could turn violent.

Fanny grips the clipboard so tight that her knuckles turn white. "If you have something to say, say it."

"See you and Archibald tomorrow night," Clementine grins, her pearly whites sparkling beneath the harsh fluorescent lighting. "Don't forget it's bikini night at the club."
